
Saturday 26 July 2014

Update of Publications So Far This Year

1.      “When Chickens Come Home To Roost, Who Rules The Nest?” Family Security Matter (10 January 2014) publications/detail/when-chickens-come-home-to-roost-who-rules-the-nest
2.      “The Jewishness of Cervantes and Don Quixote” Retrievals, Preservations and Speculations (24 February 2014),+Preservations+and+Speculations) and on East European Jewish History (27 February 2914) at eejh@yahoogroups .com
3.       “Of Armies and Libraries: The End of Western Civilization” Family Security Matters (27 February 2014) online at http://www.familysecuritymatter.orgpublications/detail/of-armies-and-libraries-the-end-of-western-civilization; reproduced on Ruthfully Yours at
4.      “Two ‘Soldiers of God’ Go Ballistic in the Courtroom” Family Security Matters (27 February 2014)
5.      “Provocations and Evocations: A Second Crimean War” Family Security Matters (15 March 2014)
6.      “Getting Down Under Downunder: A Call for Separation of Powers” Family Security Matters  (22 April 2014)
7.       “Taking Dreyfus’s Name in Vain Again” Family Security Matters (15 May 2014) http://www.
8.      “Confronting Anti-Semitism, Part I: Anti-Semitism as a Mental Aberration, or Moral Catachresis”  Retrievals, Preservations and Speculations. (22 April 2014) online at http://simmsdownunder.; and reprinted in EEJH 19 April 2014)
9.       “Confronting Anti-Semitism, Part II: Components of the Phenomenon”  Retrievals, Preservations and Speculations  (14 May 2014) online at 2014_04_01_ archive.html; and  reprinted in EEJH (Saturday, 17 May 2014)
10.   “A Courageous Jew for our Time” Psychohistory News 33:2 (Spring 2014) pp. 7-8.
11.   “Confronting Anti-Semitism, Part III: Breaking the Surface and Searching for the Hidden Text”  Retrievals, Preservations and Speculations  (25 May 2014) online at http://simmsdownunder. 2014_04_01_ archive.html; reprinted on EEJH (26 May 2014)
12.   ”When Young People Kill Young People, Should We Care?” Family Security Matters  (30 May 2014)
13.   “André Suarès, un juif ambigu: du dilemme historique des marranes modernes” pp. 279-314 in Jacques Ehrenfreund et Jean-Philippe Schreiber, eds., Les Marranismes de la religiosité cachée à la société ouverte.  Paris : Editions Demopolis, 2014.
14.   « Iggeret ha-Kodesh: The Principles of Rabbinical Love in terms of Creativity, Morality and Mysticism » Literature & Aesthetics 23 :2 (2013 [2014]) 54-96.
15.   “Abraham Catulle Mendès: The Poet for whom the String Snaps” Mentalities/Mentalités 26:1 (2014) new online edition:
16.   “Words Needed to Male Sense of the World in 2014”  Family Security Matters  (19 July 2014) -2014

17.    “Killing Innocent Civilians in Gaza: Israel Falsely Accused of War Crimes” Family Security Matters (25 July 2014)

Tuesday 8 July 2014

new poem

Confusion grows like the grass in spring whenever
You ask me what I feel about our relationship
And what I mean is that the swaying weeds in the river
Entangle the propellers of our vessel and grip
Us to the shore but your intentions are quite other:
You want me to confess my wish to slip away
Unperceived, out of the night—don’t ask me why.
It’s like a piece of poetry that tries to smother
All its ideas under the weight of rhyme,
And its metre procrastinates, skips a beat,
And all the while, I hope my best endeavour
Will please you at least, darling, this one last time,
Since all the passions in my heart are incomplete
And yet are all I have to offer in this debate

Is something all too prosaic, with leaden feet.