
Saturday 7 February 2015

Apology to Readers

There have been longer and more frequent silences on this Blog, and I apologize to my readers, few as they are.  The last two or three months have been very mixed.  I try to avoid putting personal matters on this page.  My one follower is also a friend, so knows some of what has been happening.  For the others--some days there can be up to fifteen "hits", others more rare of thirty, but usually only two or three; yet I still feel now I need to reassure you (my fan club, my dear readers, my faithful fit though few) that in this time I am working very hard on completing at least one of the several books projected for the next five years of my life (should I live so long) and that there have been many exciting books and articles to read, very important ideas to absorb and digest--and all this at  a time of the year when the heat and humidity of the day curtails the hours when my mind is fully functional.  So I ask you all to be patient, but please do not forget me. And also since there have been hardly any comments posted (they average perahps two or three a year, remember your remarks are valuable to me--good questions generate more ideas.) -- Norman