
Friday 26 April 2019

Terrorism: A Poem in Several Parts
There are bombings in Sri Lanka and Christchurch
(So the world begins to lurch)
In Berlin, Paris and Brussels and Sydney,
(Madmen of a different kidney)
An anatomy of Europe and Downunder,
(The body politic blown asunder)
Proving again the world is insane,
(Any comments prove inane)
As if we needed reminders or proof,
(All explanation spoof)
Here on the geography of hate.
(Street corner, city, nation, state)
There are certain rabbis and first responders
(The normal witness’s attention wanders)
Who gather every drop of flesh and blood
(Of those created out of dust or mud)
When it starts to rain down body parts
(And there are bits of broken hearts)
On verandas, roofs and balconies.
(To whom cry out on bended knees
When each and every god now flees?)
The secret society and the lone wolf
(Across the social media gulf)
Are responsible, and they are us,
(Mosaic of the burning bus)
Manipulated minds
(The Purim party massacres, all kinds
Of children’s costumes burn)
Or dysfunctional domestic groups
(Rolling down hill, Catherine hoops)
Stretch out your arms and prey.
Insulted dupes
Nerves that fray
Cry out for vengeance.
Mine, whispers the Lord,
The final word.
Chased by a bear.