
Saturday 30 November 2019

December starts with a poem

Ironic Ellipses  in Four Uneven Sonnets

We can no longer read the eroded runes of time
 in ruins, not even when we scratch away the muck
of centuries, the lines like relics of the slime
that putrescent creatures leave when they are stuck,
no longer able to follow simple instincts. The crime
of history stamps us too as far too ignorant,
infatuated and flattered with our lack of luck,
as though each broken speculation could paint
our hopes with doubt, what you call sublime,
mere pismires waggling antennae in the muck,
such is our music, dance and thought on time.

Marks the slater leaves beneath the concrete grave
are hieroglyphs and ciphers of eternity
and thus we dream of pristine knowledge, sage
admonitions of the first parent to go on bended knee,
we must obey and imitate the mindless slave
who endowed his fears in that dark and primal age.
Under-rock creatures scurrying in darkness rave
In silence about cycles of dance, as though the page
Of epic poetry were in their rutted path,
Homeric parodies sleeping for eternity,
And choreographed monstrosities who laugh
At those doomed to daylight and dreams, who see
Nothing in their gloom but truth and ecstasy.

My words are the words birds of paradise drop
As they fly from tree to tree, life and lies,
Or the saltless tears that roll down from a peacock’s eyes,
My sentences the pellets of bunnies who no longer hop.
There are monkeys of madness and apes of delusion,
And silver-backed creatures who howl through the night,
And yet when the sky explodes on the mountain, the sun
Stays hidden in a fantailed stutter; so try as I might,
There are no soft thoughts to comfort the reader, but blight
All ambitions and stifle great ideas, to run
From verse to verse with felicitous implication.

Heart beats unevenly thud in the mud of existence,
Lungs wheeze and whistle in a chorus primeval, and breath
Drips thickly into the atmosphere, from whence
The very idea of joyfulness falls to its death,
Sucked into the swamp, like a will-o-wisp’s abhorrent stench.
Orblutes reflect and refract the melodious dawn,
Crestfallen caterpillars creeping into metamorphoses
That have no sense of direction, conversions drawn
Beyond all natural limits into endless Sargasso Seas,
Lost in a Bermuda Triangle of self-delusions,
Permitted errors and sanguine snatches of catachresis:
Thus the end of poetry and prosaically fading suns.

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Long Poem for late November

The Woman from Burial XXII

I am looking at an artist’s hypothesis of how she looked,
This woman of some seven thousand years ago,
Probably a shamaness buried with her ceremonial bones,
Animal tooth necklace and feathery necklace.
She stares at me, offers me a bowl, as though
I were her client seeking answers to my doubts:
Is there really a power greater than my pains
Who can let me sleep again after years of fear?
Do the beasts we hunt in the mountains hate us
And stir the clouds and thunder, the wild lights
That set the trees on fire, the winds that warn
Away our prey? Does what I dream come out
Of me or does it crawl out of the earth
Like the creatures that are born of darkness?
I know this image of her face is not the truth.
She lies there in a tangled skeleton, her skull
Barely propped, and all her paraphernalia,
Unrecognizable over centuries of darkness,
Until an artist gave her life and made
Her speak in imagination, without syllables
Or images, only sensations, patterns
In the dust of stars, designs in waves
Across the centuries of longing: Come to me,
Drink my pulsating blood, feel my cold breath,
Taste the wisdom of my dreams, and most
Of all come into my eyes and see my soul.

My soul swims in the empty space between
Your dreams and mine, the border-realm of fear
And wild confusions, and you may sleep the way
An infant sleeps always sucking, always cooing,
Always longing for the otherness of itself.
My dreams create your dreams and give you words
And images, feelings for the light,
Yet as the oceanic tides express their grief
And long to follow other seas beneath
The shadows of the sun, you cannot sing
Or dance with me; and only memories
Lie softly in the sand where waters sleep,
Caressing arms and silent drifting life.
This is what she seems to say out of her photograph,
Her manifestation into our imagined dialogue.
She could not have understood me in a conversation,
Her mind and mine so different in every way,
Let alone in possession of words or concepts, or feelings
Since the world has shifted off its axis many times
And sea changes manifest in the ways we think.
But if a scientist and artist can reproduce her face
And recreate the appearance she would have had back then,
Why not my own creative ways of meditation,
The intensity of longing to be close to her for just
A moment, to slip into that gap of difference where
Our shared humanity could exist, that moment
Of closeness before there was culture and reason,
This magical, miraculous instant out of time?

This is my reply, translated out of the terms that man
Claims no one today can comprehend; but he forgets
That when my face was reconstructed by computer,
The very essence of my being was transformed, so that
I now can see and feel and think and even remember
In the manner of your present and I am no longer some
Pile of bones or an archaic woman beyond language
And modern empathy. Call me what you will,
So long as there is space for me to be more than what
You expect or think you see reflected in these
Artificial eyes. I am your mystery,
An enigma, the riddle of yourself—yourself
And not yourself, neither him in his own time
Nor someone else you all thought you found, down there
In the site you call Burial XXII.

If there are three of us now, the shamaness,
The poet, and the reader of these verses, less
Than any of us could have predicted or foreseen,
Yet more beyond our common sense, as green
As shadows on the surface of a country rill
Or as purple as a fading wound where will,
Desire and annoyance met, we all are self created
In this momentary place of mystery, not dead
Or living as ordinary minds believe, but out
Of all imaginings, like a never-ending echo
That hovers above the seas, beyond the stars,
And waits impatiently—like a fire that never chars.
That is all I have to say and now must part.
Her friends who buried her, who knew her well,
Felt a sorrow mixed with pride, as they set her up
Like a guardian of the cave, someone to welcome
In new generations, confident of her power’s survival.
Each acolyte laid a flower next to her
And breathed on her face, while nearby chanters murmured
Prayers in her honour, while someone dipped his fingers
In the wet red clay to make the marks across the wall
That showed the deep reflections of her mind.
Then from the darkness way beyond the night
Inside the hollow-sounding mountain, a light
Refracted on the stones came closer still,
Like a dancing spirit, and spread a song
Over her body, whose shadows now could rest,
As infants lie contented on their mother’s breast.

Deep night and empty silence for seven
Thousand years embraced her corpse
Which slowly fell apart, undisturbed
By bears and bats, forgotten by the world.
Outside, the oceans heaved, the hands
Of men and women entangled themselves in love
And hate, built villages and harvested
The living produce of new ideas, disturbed
The balance of the heavy weight of doubtful hopes,
And longed, undreaming, of a deeper endless sleep.
This evening, as we stare numbly at the woman’s eyes,
We cannot fathom who she really was or dare
To speculate what she would think we are,
Or even what unproblematic humanity we might share.

Saturday 9 November 2019

Our Own Berlin Wall Has Fallen
The anniversary of when der Maur came down, you know,
the Wall in Berlin, well, it came on a day when everyone came,
the cleaning lady, the heat pump guy, and Owen the mower,
even the window washer and then visitors from over there,
as well as all those trips to the doctor, the nurse, and the same
old litany of placebos and excuses for why no one, no
one could do anything significant, to make
the hurty places go away. When they chipped
away the rocks and masonry, we clapped—a break
between two worlds, we thought, was breached, and sipped
a little glass of schnaps to celebrate,
sips to hasten and deepen our sense of cheer.
But thirty years have passed too quickly and slipped
outside of memory, leaving us alone:
like money that is laundered, like coins that are clipped,
the sea has changed forever, for us at any rate.
The wall, the world, the weeds of time—all gone.

The Tortoise and the Hare

With as much speed as in a dream, we pass
each other in calendars of time, you always
speaking of our journey after you arrive
and leave me like the hare who, in a trance
of self-delusion, still sleeps; thus you contrive
to be like one moving at my pace, while days
go by unnoticed, and I believe the sands
still slowly fall, and  have no words to speak
that can affirm our joint existence. You
alone, and with you what you were and seek,
and I deluded, dreaming, imagine who
you are beside me in this race, afraid
to waken into reality, alive or dead
already; or a family of phantoms, each alone
and mirrored out of sequence, like flesh and bone;
or footsteps under a prehistoric sea, a trail
of individuals headed towards the end of time,
one already there, like the head of a snail,
the other always coagulating in its slime.

Thursday 7 November 2019


Somewhere Over the Horizon

We see things our ancestors could never dream,
the way a horse’s legs are placed in motion,
a drop of water crowns and so defies the stream,
or petals open in a ballet, and the way the ocean
surges forward in a wild dramatic passion.
As though its arms were spread, its ideas hanging
on the skeleton of sky, then relaxes
into a softened bed of water—and sings
and whispers oddities along the axis
of the universe.  Old artists, with their parataxis
and their ideal forms of life leave us clinging
to impossibilities, soothe our doubts
with clever lies, like painted redoubts
against the nearly invisible horizon’s edge,
with aspirational illusions of eternal knowledge,
and blinding sundogs that encircle dreams with rings
of aesthetic lyrics and empathetic plastic things.