
Friday 12 July 2013

The Serial Sorrows of Young Werther Wither

Fifteen summers passed and then another twenty
And everyone who knew him, despite his ways,
Thought those years like golden coins were never plenty,
Given, that is, the great potential lost, the blaze
He might have made had he been able.  No glaze
Across the screen prevented his demise, he spent, he
Wasted everything they proffered, like rays
Expended in a universe of shame, they went, they
Crossed impossible distances of time and space
From the very first contraction until the day
All slowed and sloughed upon the empty shore
Where his corpse was found.  There was no more
To say, they gathered up his dreams and slunk away:

His debts remained unpaid, his talent wasted: what a bore!

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