
Thursday 1 August 2013

Apothegms for 2013: No. 2

The tui sings his imitative songs up in the tree near our house.  I try to whistle back.  The conversation continues over many days, but always at cross purposes, he telling me he owns the space around our house, I responding my wish to ask him questions about his perceptions of my life.  He repeats my whistles but lacks the inflections of my pain.

Last spring someone offered to prune the plum tree in the yard.  The price was cheap and soon two young boys were lopping branches.  It wasn’t clear until many months later that those lads had no sympathy for the birds who depend on us for food through the winter.  Two empty nests can be seen in the remaining boughs.

Phrenology and physiognomy are out-dated sciences.  So too will be coding people’s personality and character by their DNA. 

Take out the sports, the entertainment and the celebrity events and what is there left on the news? 

There is too much danger in exposing the weaknesses of those now passed away and yet cherished by many were close to them; it would be better, therefore, to only make fun of oneself, were it not for those who depend on my memory.  My memories will be of failures without self-mockery.

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