
Thursday 8 August 2013

Israeli Limericks, Vintage 1998



A man quite confused in his neshuma

was elected last week to the Duma,

but his policies were,
so the pundits aver,
often subject to vodka and rumor.

When arguments rage about Oslo,
the one says, Advance! the other Go slow!
So we close up in Gaza
and gaze at the momza
who has it both ways in falsetto.

There once was a man from the Negev
whose dinner was caught in an erev:
he languished in Mitzpa,
but thought it a mitzva,
neither fleyshich nor milich nor parev.

A tower so high on Mount Carmel
in Cyprus is viewed as a tunnel
connecting heaven and earth
with impossible girth,
like a kirtle  in space that is vertical.

From Kiryat Gat came a fellow
whose gotkas were always bright yellow:
his mistress was cross
and so was his boss

when he waved his bright peccadillo.

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