
Friday 2 August 2013

List of Publications No. 3

This is the third list to be posted on this blog.  Like the first two, it goes back in time—the others from 2006 to the present.  Further lists will appear in five to ten year groups, and deleting the more fugitive and ephemeral pieces, such as book reviews in minor publications.

“How to Read Israeli Poetry in English” Part I, Chadashot (April 2000) 18.  Part II (May 2000) 18. Part III (June 2000) 18.  Part IV (June 2000) 18-19. (Series of short essays)
“The Little Old Jew at the Bridge, or The Dependence of God on Jewish Jokes and the Place of Witzenschaft in Modern Jewish Fiction” Journal of Literature & Aesthetics 8:2 (July-December 2000) 37-49
Review of A History of Young People in the West, 2 vols., eds. Giovanni Levi and Jean-Claude Schmitt in The Journal of Psychohistory 28:1 (2000) 113-115.
“Using Psychohistory and the History of Mentalities to Understand the Un(der)recorded Past” in Actas del II Congreso Internacional: Historia a Debate, celebrado en Santiago de Compostela los días 14-18 julio de 1999 (Santiago de Compostela: Historia a Debate, 2000) pp. 277-286.
“Troubled Souls: Conversos and Marranos” Chadashot (Dec. 2000) 7-8.
“Graffiti: Another Outrageous Glimpse”, online publication edited by Axel Thiel, graffitiforschung..
“The Unspeakable Agony of Kiddush ha-Shem: Forced Jewish Infanticide during the First and Second Crusades” The Medieval History Journal 3:2 (2000) 337-362
“A Psychogeographical Lament for the Jewish Children of São Tomé” Clio’s Psyche 7:4 (2001) 182-184; repr. in Liba and Simms, Jewish Child Slaves in São Tomé (2003), pp. 170-176.
Edited with Charles Meyers, Troubled Souls: Conversos, Crypto-Jews and Other Confused Jewish In-tellectuals from the Fourteenth through the Eighteenth Centuries.  Hamilton: Outrigger, 2001.  204 pp.
 “Troubled Souls: Why Conversos and Crypto-Jews Came to England After the Expulsions at the End of the Thirteenth Century” in Meyers and Simms, Troubled Souls, pp. 164-189.
“With an Ey(e) to the Future of Psychiatry”: Review Essay of Henri Ey: Psychiatre du XXIe siècle in Mentalities/Mentalités 15:2 (2001) 53-64.
Review of Dorothy Otnow Lewis, Guilty By Reason of Insanity: A Psychiatrist Explores the Minds of Killers in The Psychohistory Journal 29:1 (2001) 100-103.
“Childish Anxieties in the Adventures of Lemuel Gulliver” Q/W/E/R/T/Y 11 (octobre 2001) 89-96.
“Theodicy and Job in Three Eighteenth-Century Novels” in Serge Soupel, ed., Crime et Châtiment dans les îles britaaniques au dix-huitième siècle (Paris: RBC, 2001) pp.  201-222.
“Humiliations in Francis Burney’s Evelina: Does the Punishment Fit the Crime” in Serge Soupel, ed., Crime et Châtiment dans les îles britanniques au dix-huitième siècle (Paris: RBC, 2001) pp. 297-308.
“The Alienated Woman: or, Mrs. Job Suffered Too” in Vladimir M. Bychenkov, ed., Anonymity, Impersonality, Virtuality  (Moscow: Russian and British Cathedra, 2002) pp. 280-297.
“How Far Do You Have To Go To Really Understand Someone?” Psychohistory: The Newsletter of the Inter-national Psychohistorical Association 121:2 (2002) 7-9.
Sir Gawain and the Knight of the Green Chapel.  Waltham, MD: University Press of America, 2002.  428 pp.
“Glozel, Glass and Things Seen Darkly: A Speculation” The Glozel Newsletter 7:3 (2002) 1-8.
Edited, In a Season of Hate: Selection of Papers from the Proceedings of the Tenth Biennial Waikato Jewish Studies Seminar.  Hamilton: Outrigger Publishers, 2002.  64 pp.
“Child Victims of the Holocaust: Beyond the Unthinkable” in Simms, In a Season of Hate (2002) pp. 24-37.
With Israel David, “God’s Answer to Job: Revelation and Confession” in Simms, In a Season of Hate (2002) pp. 52-56.
Review of David J. Halperin, ed. and trans., Abraham Miguel Cardozo: Selected Writings in Mystics Quarterly 28:2 (2002) 93-95.
Review of Psychological Undercurrents of History, ed. Jerry S. Piven and Henry W. Lawton in The Journal of Psychohistory  30:1 (2002)  109-111.
“When Millennialism Fails: Cruelty to Slaves at Providence Plantation” Clio’s Psyche 9:2 (2002) 99-100.
“The Radical Transformation of Jewish Childrearing after the First Two Crusades: A Problem in Multi-Generational Post-Traumatic Stress” Journal of Psychohistory 30:2 (2002)  164-189.
“Israel, Diaspora and Israel” Chadashot (October 2002) 13-15.
“Moving Through Time and Space: Memories, Midrash and Trauma” Australian Journal of Jewish Studies 16 (2002) 223-237.
 “Introduction” to Marcus Wiesner, Destruction Artist: An Interpretive Study of Adolph Hitler (Hamilton: Outrigger Publishers, 2002) pp. 1-2
“Apologies and Reconciliation: A Report from Hamilton” Chadashot (December 2002) 14-15.
“The Jew, the Jewels, and the Jeweller: Daniel Defoe’s Roxana” Transversal 2 (2002) 19-33.
 “Anti-Semitism: A Psychopathological Disease” Chapter Two in Judaism and Genocide: Psychological Under-currents of History – Volume IV, eds., Jerry S. Piven, Chris Boyd and Henry W. Lawton.  Writers Club Press, 2002.
Ambiguous and Problematic Jews on the Late Medieval English Stage: The Case of Mak the Sheepstealer in the Wakefield Pageant in Representations of Jews on the Medieval and Early-Modern Stage, ed. M. Addison Amos  (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2003)
“Bishop Lobo’s Nightmare” Sefarad: The Sephardic Newsletter (23 September 2003) 12:8, part 4 (Sea12.8.4) pp. 1-13.
The Girl Who Would Be God: A Story of Boro Park, Brooklyn, in the 1940s.  A Christmas Keepsake Book for the Friends of Brick Row.  Palm Springs, CA: Brick Row, 2003.  15 pp.
Ed. with Moshe Liba, Jewish Child Slaves in São Tomé.  Wellington: New Zealand Jewish Chronicle Publications, 2003. 242pp.
Review Essay: “Marranos: Anamorphoisis of Culture”, reviews of Nathan Wachtel, La foi de souvenir, Joseph A. Levi, ed., Survival and Adaptation: The Portuguese-Jewish Diaspora in Europe, Africa and the New World, Shmuel Trigano, ed., Le Juif caché: Marranisme et modernité, and Andrée Aelion Brooks, The Woman Who Defied Kings: The Life and Times of Doña Gracia Nasi in Mentalities/Mentalités 18:1 (2003) 81-84.
“If You Argue With God, So What Else Can’t You Do? Some Views on the Jewishness of Jewish American Writing” (Part 1) Journal of Literature & Aesthetics 3:1-2 Jan-Dec. 2003) 49-60.
“The Obsession with War: Aggression and Deceit. A Simple Almost True Story” in I Want to Speak of Tenderness: 50 Writers for Anne Ranasinghe, ed. Gérard Robuchon (Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Centre for Ethnic Studies, 2003)  pp. 328-340.
ed., Windows on a Jewish World: The Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Waikato Jewish Studies Seminar, 2003.  Hamilton: Outrigger Publishers, 2004.  vi+ 80 pp.
Review of Bryan Mark Rigg, Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi  Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military in Mentalities/Mentalités 18:2 (2004) 81-83. 
“Jewish Childrearing in Pre-Modern Times” in Simms, Windows on  a Jewish World, pp. 39-58.
Review of Les Cahiers Henri Ey: Cahiers de psychiatre (juin 2003) in Mentalities/Mentalités 18 :2 (2004) 84-88.
Crypto-Judaism, Madness, and the Female Quixote: Charlotte Lennox as Marrana in Mid-Eighteenth-Century England.  Lewiston, NY, Queenston, Ontario, and Lampeter, UK: Edwin Mellen Press, 2004.   xi + 372 pp.
Review of Joan Taylor, Jewish Women Philosophers of First Century Alexandria: Philo’s “Therapeuate” Re-considered in Mentalities/Mentalités 18:4 (2004) 88-91.
"Marranism Reconsidered as Duplicity, Creativity, and Lost Innocence," RuBriCa 13 (2004) 67-117.
Review of Raymond Aron, L’Opium des intellectuals in Chadashot (June 2004) 1-5.
“How We Stopped the Escalator at Macy’s on Christmas Eve” (short story) in Queens College Journal of Jewish Studies 6 (2004)  157-165.
A New Midrashic Reading of Geoffrey Chaucer: His Life and Works.  Lewiston, NY, Queenston, Ont. and Lampeter, UK: Edwin Mellen Press, 2004.    486 pp.
“Rambam vs. Ramban: Part 2. A New Levantine Twist on an Old Controversy” Sephardic Heritage Update (Special Edition, December 2004) 1-10.
“Marranism: An Essay in Shame and Hope” Joseph Bulbulia and Paul Morris, eds., What is Religion For? (Wellington: Victoria University. 2004) pp. 121-145.
“Three Representative Writers”, Part 3 of “If You Can Argue with God, so what else can’t you do? Some Views on the Jewishness of Jewish American Writing”, Journal of Literature & Aesthetics 4:1-2 (Jan-Dec., 2004) 127-132.
“Antonio de San Pedro, Mirror of Virtues: A Crypto-Jew with no Qualities”  Australian Journal of Jewish Studies 18 (2004) 137-161.
Review of Israel S. Révah, Antonio Enriquez Gomes: un écrivain marrano (v. 1600-1663), ed.. Carsten Wilke in Mentalities/Mentalités 19:1 (2005) 57-62.
Review of Suzanne Conklin Akbari, Seeing Through the Veil: Optical Theory and Medieval Allegory in Mentalities/Mentalités 19:1 (2005) 62-64.
Review of Henry Méchoulan, Les Juifs du silence au siècle-d’or espagnol in Mentalities/ Mentalités 19:1 (2005)
“Mussolini Goes to the Movies” Psychohistory News 24:1 (2005) 1-2.
« Psychanalyse, Psycho-Histoire, Histoire des mentalités », trans.  Jacques Chazaud, Les Cahiers Henri Ey 14 (mars 2005) 73-88
« Setting the Inquisition Record Straight”, A review of Joseph Pérez, The Spanish Inquisition: A HistoryNew Zealand Jewish Chronicle (March 2005) 11.
“Where Were The Kids?” a Review Essay of Paolo Bernardini and Norman Fiering, eds, The Jews and the Expansion of Europe to the West, 1450 to 1800 in Mentalities/Mentalités 19:2 (2005) 67-77.
Review of Elizabeth Durot-Boucé, La lierre et la chauve souris: reveils gothiques. Emergence du roman noir anglais 1764-1824 in Mentalities/Mentalités 19:2 (2005) 77-78.
Review of Gloria Golden, Remnants of Crypto-Jews among Hispanic Americans in Mentalities/Mentalités 19:2 (2005) 78-81.
Review of Les Cahiers Henri Ey. Cahiers de psychiatrie. Numero special 12-13 “Psychiatrie et arts plastique. La psychiatrie devant le surrealisme in Mentalities/Mentalités 19:2 (2005) 81-83.
Review of Ranjit Chatterjee, Wittgenstein and Judaism : The Triumph of Concealment in Mentalities/ Mentalités 19:2 (2005) 83-85.
“Children among the Marranos: A Psychohistorical Problem” The Queens College Journal of Jewish Studies  vol. VII (Spring 2005) 35-43.
 “A Preference for Horses: Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels and Luis de Carvajal el Mozo’s Autobiography” in Psychohistory: A Psychohistorical Approach to History (Rome, 19 September 2005) online at psychohistory2001.
Review of David L. Graizbord.  Souls In Dispute: Converso Identities in Iberia and The Jewish Diaspora, 1580-1700I in Journal of Religious History, Vol. 29, No. 3 (October 2005). 324-325.
Review of Lawrence Rigel and Rosita Rosenberg: Liberal Judaism: The First Hundred Years.  Journal of Religious History, Vol. 29, No. 3 (October 2005).
Review of Matt Goldish: The Sabbatean Prophets. in Journal of Religious History, Vol. 30, No. 1 (February 2006) 326-327.
“The Healing of Aeneas and Menelaus: Wound-Healers in Ancient Greek and Classical Roman Medicine” in Psychohistory: A Psychohistorical Approach to History (Rome, 29 September 2005) online at psychohistory 2001
Masks in the  Mirror: Marranism in Jewish Experience, with a Preface by Rabbi José Faur.  New York: Peter Lang Verlag, 2005.  150 pp.
 “Where Were The Kids?” Review essay of Paolo Bernardini and Norman Fiering, eds, The Jews and the Expansion of Europe to the West, 1450 to 1800 in Mentalities/Mentalités 19:2 (2005) 67-77.
“Frightened into the Sublime” review of Elizabeth Durot-Boucé, Le Lierre et la Chauve-Souris: Reveills Gothiques.  Emergence du Roman Noir Anglais, 1764-1824 in Mentalities/Mentalités 19:2 (2005) 77-78.
« Crypto-Jewish Voices in the Morada ». Review essay of Gloria Golden, Remnants of Crypto-Jews among Hispanic Americans, eds. by Andrea Alessandra Cabello and Sohaib Raihan in Mentalities/Mentalités 19:2 (2005) 78-81.
“Art, Criticism and Psychiatry” review of Les Cahiers Henri Ey. Numéro Spécial 12-13 “Psychiatrie et arts plastiques: la psychiatrie devant le surréalisme” in Mentalities/Mentalités 19:2 (2005) 81-83.

« Wit, Wittgenstein and Secret Judaism » review of Ranjit Chatterjee, Wittgenstein and Judaism: A Triumph of Concealment in Mentalities/Mentalités 19:2 (2005) 83-85.

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