
Wednesday 14 August 2013

More Bibliorgaphy from 1995-1999

Bibliography 1995-1999

"Coming of Age in Madagascar and Other Islands of the Mind in the Early Eighteenth Century" in Serge Soupel, ed. Les Ages de la Vie en Grande-Bretagne au XVIIIe siècle  (Paris: Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 1995) pp. 139-154.
"'Baby-Talk': or the Discourses of Children and Childhood in Eighteenth-Century Prose and Verse" in Serge Soupel, ed. Les Ages de la Vie en Grande-Bretagne au XVIIIe siècle  (Paris: Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 1995)  pp. 155-167.
My Cow Comes to Haunt Me:  European Explorers, Travellers and Novelists Constructing Textual Selves and Imagining the Unthinkable in Lands and Islands beyond the Sea, from Christopher Columbus to Alexander von Humboldt.  New York: Pace University Press, 1995. xxxviii + 376 pp.
"Who Was Miss Garrod?" Glozel Newsletter  No. 3 (1995) 1-7.
"Preface" to William Théaux, Scientific Moralisation and Psychoanalysis and Ecology.    Ocean Monograph n.s. No. 1 (Hamilton: Outrigger Publishers, 1995) pp. v-vi.
"The English 'Jew Bill' of 1752 and Laurence Sterne's Fears of Circumcision," Clio's Psyche  1:4 (1995) 13-14.
The Last Sonnet in the World, and Other Poems.  Hamilton: Outrigger Publishers, 1995.  43 pp.
"The Cross-Step Dance in the Places of Memory: Alexander von Humboldt, Michael Howe and Black Tom," Journal of Unconventional History   7:3 (1996) 29-52.
"Preface" to Sunspots and Sunbeams, Poems  by Roy Runds (Tel-Aviv: Mashap-Enosh, 1996) pp. 3-5.
"Mentalities/Mentalités" Clio's Psyche  3:1 (1996) 17-19.
“Miniaturization: The Mystery of Micrographia and Related Topics" The Glozel Newsletter  2:3 n.s. (1996)     2-5.
"A Silent Love Affair: Frances Seymour's 'Inkle and Yarioco' (1726)" AUMLA  85 (1996) 93-101.
Review of David Norton A History of the Bible as Literature  in AULLA  85 (1996) 179-181.
editor, Determinations South: Poetry of Be'er Sheva and the Negev.  Hamilton and Be'er Sheva: Outrigger/WordBytes, 1996.
"The Psychological Adventures of Sarah Fielding's David Simple" Etudes Anglaises  49:2 (1996) 158-167.
“Job” translated with Zdislaw Reszelewski The Warsaw Voice: Buzz 41 (13 October 1996) 416.
“The Masque of the Devil and Death in Aphra Behn’s The Lucky Chance” in Charu Sheel Singh, ed. Theory and Interpretation of Literature: Commemorative Volume in Honour of Prof. Shiva Murti Pandeyan (New Delhi: Anmol Publications, 1996) pp. 129-145.
“Romanian Collective Identity: Romantic Myth or Historical Reality” in Al. Zub, ed. Identitate/Alteritate in Spatiul Cultural Românesc (Iasi: Editura Univsersitãtii “Alexandru Ioan Cuz”, 1996) pp.384-392.
“Stuffing Sausages as Satura and Foreplay: Apuleius’s Lucius and Trim’s Brother Tom,” The Shandean 8 (1996) 113-119.
“Mesmerism before Mesmer: Sarah Fielding’s Insights into Psychology in The Adventures of David Simple”  Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii “Al. I. Cuza” din Iasi (serie nouá) XLII (1996)  21-40
"Passion, Compotatio, Rixus and the Shameful Thing: English Guilds and the Corpus Christi Cycles" Mentalities/Mentalités  11:2 (1997) 45-60.
“Mrs Noah’s Secret: A Psychohistorical Reading of the Chester Cycle Third Pageant” Parergon 14:2 (1997) 15-28.
ed., Sects, Sex and Identity: Selected Papers of the Jewish Studies Seminar 29-31 August 1997, Hamilton New Zealand.  Hamilton: Outrigger Publishers, on behalf of the New Zealand Association for the Study of Jewish Civilization, 1997.   iii+64pp.
“Forced Conversion and Abduction: The Children of São Tomé” in Sects, Sex and Identity, ed. Norman Simms, pp. 35-52.
Determinations 2: Israeli Poetry in English and In English Translation. edited,  Hamilton: Outrigger Publishers, 1997.  140pp
“‘A Plain Conviction to the Contrary’: Moll Flander’s Name and Other Lies” Q/W/R/T/Y  7 (1997) 79-88.
“Strategies for not Teaching Post-Colonial Literature: The Better Part of Valor” in Anne Collett, Lars Jensen and  Anna Rutherford, eds., Teaching Post-Colonialism and Post Colonial Literatures (Aarhus and London: Aarhus University Press, 1997) pp. 124-131.
“A Dark Cynical Conceit: The Masque in Aphra Behn’s The Lucky Chance” AUMLA  88 (1997) 83-95.
“Genre, Gender and the Problem of Evalina’s Maturity” Anuar Sociatea de Stiinte Istorice Filiala Prahova (Ploiesti: Silex, 1997) 221-231.
“Genre, Gender and the Cynical Problem of Evelina’s Maturity” RuBriCa: The Russian and British Cathedra 3 (Summer/Autumn 1997) 40-77.
“The Festival of Laughter: Children’s Role in the Formation of Ritual Laughter” Clio’s Psyche (Special Student Edition, 1996-1997) 35-37.
“Rabbi from Dorohoi in the 19th Century who Claimed to be a Descendant of King David” (in Hebrew) in Shlomo Davis, ed., Generaţii de Iudaiaism şi Sionism: Dorohoi, Saveni, Mihaileni, Darabani Herta, Radauti, Prut, vol. 3  (Kiriat Bialik, Israel: Organizaţia israelinilor originari din orasul şi judetul Dorohoi..., 1998). p. 76.
“Tolerance and Assimilation in Restoration England: The Case of the Jews” Q/W/E/R/T/Y 8 (1998)  255-266.
Review of Weston LaBarre, Culture in Context in Journal of Psychohistory 25:3 (1998) 317-319.
“Medieval Guilds, Passions and Abuse” Journal of Psychohistory 26:1 (1998) 478-513.
“Up from the Footnotes: The History of the Children of São Tomé” The Journal of Unconventional History 9:3 (1998)  41-58.
“Australian Jewish Fiction Today” The New Chadashot (Dec. 1998/Jan. 1999)  3.
“Good Parenting in the 14th Century: Christine de Pisan” Clio’s Psyche 5:4 (1999) 158-159.
“Essay Review: Demistifying Mentalities by G.E.R. Lloyd” in History of Psychiatry 10 (1999) 127-139.
“Job in Auckland: Karl Wolfskehl’s Poetry in the Light of the Jewish Job, The Topos of the Galut, and the Lurianic Theme of God’s Exile from Himself” in Friedrich Voit and August Obermayer, eds. Exul Poeta: Leben und Werk Karl Wolfskehls im italienischen und neuseeländischen Exil 1933-1948.  Dunedin, NZ: University of Otago, 1999.  (Otago German Studies vol. 11)  pp. 102-120.
“Jewish Symbolism and Art” Journal of Literature & Aesthetics 7:2 (1999) 7-13.

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