
Saturday 5 October 2013


This continues my occasional listing of books, essays, book reviews, stories and poems, now for the fifteen years from 1980-1995.  I have deleted minor reviews and ephemeral essays.  Separate books are given in bold.


"From Mafia to Mentality:  A Position Paper on Comparative Literature and National Literature Studies", CNL/QWR  3:4 (1980), 4-7.

"Judith and Esther as Biblical Eirons", in Under the Southern Cross, eds. John Hinchcliff and Norman Simms (Auckland and Hamilton; Auckland University Chaplaincy and Outrigger, 1980), pp. 14-22.

"Gawain's Jesting Quest for Self: Seeing and hearing in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight." Explorations  (1980) 1-13.

With Rev. Dr. John Hinchcliff (eds).  Under the Southern Cross: Papers on Theology, Pastoral Care, Education, History and Scriptural  Exegesis;  selected from the 1978 and 1979 Colloquia on Religious Studies held at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.  Ocean Monograph No. 4 (Auckland and Hamilton), Auckland Chaplaincy and Outrigger, 1980.

With Zdzislaw Reszelewski, trans. Symptoms of Life, Symptoms of Love: Modern Polish Women's Poetry, Calcutta Writers' Workshop, 1980.     
With Zdzislaw Reszelewski, trans. Certain and Dubious:  Modern Polish Poetry.  Calcutta Writers' Workshop, 1980.

"The Future of English as a Poetic Medium in Singapore and Malaysia", Part 1, Council on National Literatures/Quarterly World Report Vol. 2:4 (1979) 9-13; Part 2, Vol. III:1 (1980) 10-14;  Part 3, Vol. III:2 (1980) 8-12.

"Introduction to Maori Poetry Today", Cahiers roumains d'études littéraires  4 (1980), 157-158.

"On the Necessity of Translation", Landfall 131 (1979) 212-218; 133 (1980) 50-54.
"Exploration and Discovery Through Team Translation" in Translation: Agent of Communication, ed. Marilyn Gaddis Rose (Pacific Quarterly 5:1, Hamilton, 1980), 75-79.

"The Literary Situation in New Zealand:  Some Impressions (1)" Southeast Asian Review of English 1:1 (1980), 52-56.

"The Literary Situation in New Zealand (2):  Maori/Third-World Literature and European Culture", Southeast Asian Review of English  2 (1981), 28-39.

"Civilization as History and Proportion:  Some Problems from the South Pacific", Comparative Civilizations Bulletin 10:2 (1981), 11-15, reprinted in The Boundaries of Civilization in Space and Time  (Washington, D.C.: The University Press of America, 1987), pp. 381-390.

"Cluster-Group Language and Literature:  The Maori Example", Council on National Literatures/ Quarterly World Report  4:3 (1981) 5-11.

"Silence and Invisibility in Provincial and Third World Literature of the South Pacific and Southeastern Asia", in Paul La Chance, ed. Appalachian Maryland and the World:  A Symposium of International Education (Washington, D.C.:  University Press of America, 1981), pp. 150-170.

"Transformation of Mental Imagery:  Three Festive Examples", Synthesis 8 (1981), 201-216.
"Noetics and Poetics:  Studying and Appreciating Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart in New Zealand", Chandrabhaga  (Summer, 1981), 57-66.

"Introduction " to At the Tip of Your Tongue:  Local Creative Writing from a WWEA Course, ed. Norman Simms (course convenor)  (Hamilton:  Outrigger and Waikato Worker's Educational Association, 1982), pp. 5-7.

"Three Steps to Maturity:  The prose Writing of Albert Wendt", Commonwealth Novel in English  1:2 (1982) 191-201.

"Truncation, Silence, and the Problem of Textuality in Chaucer:  A Resumé" in J. Dunmore and J. Muirhead, eds., AULLA XXI: Proceedings and Papers, 1982 (Palmerston North:  AULLA, 1982), PP. 364-365.

"Is There Life After Katherine Mansfield? or What is the Value of New Zealand Literature", Echoes, Good Wine, and Glass, ed. Donald Kerr (Auckland 1983) 15-17.

"Triadic Paradigms and Third World Literature", Correspondences 3 (1983), 13-19.

"Ioan Slavici's Zina Zorîlor:  Boundaries and Blindness and the Ambiguities of Moral Determinations, Miorița  8 (1983) 51-76.

"Shirley Geok-lin Lim in Conversation with Norman Simms", NZ/ASIAN Newsletter  No. 1 (1983) 28-46.

With Peter Meinel, New Poems from Old Greenland.  Ocean Monograph No. 8 (Hamilton:  Outrigger, 1983).

"Cultural Imperialism in the South Pacific" in New Literary Continents, ed. Anne Paolucci (Whitestone, N.Y.:  Council on National Literatures, Griffin House Publications, 1984), pp. 26-39.

With Zdzislaw Reszelewski, trans. Audience by Kryztof Nowicki. Hamilton:  Outrigger, 1984.

"Dreams and Nightmares of Civilization" (review of The Philosophy of Culture:  Romanian Contributions) in Mentalities/Mentalités  2:1 (1984) 45-47.

Runic Characters. (Poems) Hamilton:  Rimu Publishing Co. Ltd.1984.

With Zdzislaw Reszelewski, trans.  Departures by Jan Gorec-Rosinski. Hamilton:  Rimu Books, 1985. 

A Guide to the Perplexed: Creative Writing, India:  New Horizon, 1986.

"Grains of Words by Horia Holban: Aphorisms," Miorița  10 (1986) 54-60.

"A Poet of Many Worlds", in Madhusadan Prasad, ed. The Poetry of Jayanta Mahapatra (New Delhi and Bangalore:  Sterling, 1986), pp. 24-39.

"Towards An Assessment of Maori and Pacific Island Writing and Publishing in New Zealand (Aotearoa) in the 1980s," in Pacific Writing and Publishing , a special issue of Pacific Islands Communication Journal 14:1, (1986), 85-123.

Invisibility and Silence:  A Study of the New Literatures of the Pacific.  Washington, D.C.:  Three Continents, 1986.

"Convergence of Voices" (review of Michel Foucault, I Pierre Rivière... and Claude Levi-Strauss, The Way is the Master) in Mentalities/Mentalités  4:2 (1987) 17-23.

"Breaking Bourgeois Codes" (review of Peter Stallybrass and Allon White, The Politics and Poetics of Transgression) Mentalities/ Mentalités 4:2 (1987) 17-23.

"My Children Have Defeated Me":  Authority in Jewish Talmudic Tradition," in Judaism and Christianity:  Toward Dialogue, eds. Douglas Pratt and Dov Bing (Auckland:  St John's College Communications, 1987), pp. 57-76.

"New Zealand's Humanimals:  Interview with Richard von Sturmer and Charlotte Wallace," The National Storytelling Journal, 4:1 (Winter 1987), 26-29.

"Comments on 'The Boy' by J.M. Villia," in Pacific Literature in English:  Course Book, ed. Subramani (Suva:  Extension Services, The University of the South Pacific, 1988), pp. 131-132.  Excerpt from Invisibility and Silence.

"Anne Ranasinghe:  Jewish Poet of Sri Lanka", Journal of South Asian Literature, 23:1 (1988) 94-107. Repr with subtitle "Three Strands in a Literary Corpus," in Anne Ranasinghe, At What Dark Point (Colombo: English Writers Co-operative of Sri Lanka, 1991) pp.95-111.

With Yishai Tobin, "Seeds of the Pomagranite:  A Dual Evaluation of Vladimir Propp", Mentalities/ Mentalités  5:1 (1988) 4-13.

"The Civilizing Process", review of Norbert Elias, Über den Prozess der Zivilisation, in Revue des Etudes Sud-Est Européenes  27:3 (1989) 273-280.

"Comparative Literature in New Zealand" in Comparative Literary Theory:  New Perspectives, ed. Anne Paolucci (New York:  Griffon House, 1989), pp.110-12

“Has the Light a Door?” Introduction to Nicholas Catanoy, Notes on a Prison Wall (Fragment) in Canadian Literature No. 129 (1989).

"Erotic Encounters in Colonialist Discourse," review of Peter Hulme, Colonial Encounters:  Europe and the Native Caribbean, 1492-1797  in Mentalites/Mentalités  6:2 (1990) 11-14.

"Stone Age Sexuality", review of Weston La Barre, Muelos,  in The Journal of Psychohistory  18:1 (1990) 109-115.

"Hungary and Hungarian Knights in Middle English Literature", Parergon  (1990), 57-72.

"Judaism" in Religions of New Zealanders, ed., Peter Donovan. Palmerston North:  Dunmore Press, 1990, pp. 206-220.

"Notes on Learned Journals in the Mainstream," Editors' Notes: Bulletin of the Conference of Editors of Learned Journals I X:1 (Spring 1990) 36-38.

"The Post-Colonialist Discourses of New Zealand/Aotearoa: A Chelmingtonian Perspective," in Identity and Involvement: Auckland Jewry, Past and Present, ed. Ann Gluckman (Palmerston North:  Dunmore Press, 1990), pp 261-277.

Points of Contact:  A Study of the Interplay and Intersection of Traditional and Non-Traditional Literatures, Cultures, and Mentalities. New York:  Pace University Press, 1990.

"The Emperor Sigismund's Visit to England in the Early Fifteenth Century," (Canadian) Hungarian Studies Review XVII, No. 2(1990) 21-29.

"Introduction" to  Jean Arasayanayagam, Reddened Water Flows Clear, London:  Forest Books, 1991.
"L'ellipse dans le livre naïf du Pacifique Sud (XIXe siècle)" in Bertrand Rougé, ed., Ellipses, Blancs, Silences (Rhétoriques des Arts, I). Pau: Infocompo, 1991.

"Parables: Gospel Speech or Rabbinic Joke?" in Samuel Rodin, ed., Encounters with Judaism: Jewish Studies in a Non-Jewish World  (Hamilton: Waikato University and Colcom Press, 1991) pp.108-127.

"Robinson Crusoe: the Interpreted Text," in CAPES Agrégation d'Anglais, Cahiers de l'Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines (Pau, 1991) 57-63.

"Civilizatia româneasca, o chintesenta a spiritualitatii europene (1)" with Gheorghe Florescu, ETHOS: Revista de Teorie a Culturii  (serie noua) 1:3 (ianuarie-iunie, 1991) 66-80.
Writers from the South Pacific: A Bio-Bibliographical Encyclopedia.  Washington, D.C.: Three Continents Press, 1992.
"Another Facet of Kabbalah," review of Georg Langer, L'Erotique de la Kabbale, in New Zealand Jewish Chronicle  (February 1992) 16-17.

The Humming Tree:  History of Mentalities.  Chicago:  University of Illinois Press, 1992.

"A Philosopher from Three Perspectives," review of Maurice-Ruben Hayoun et Alain de Libera, Averroes et l'Averroïsme, in New Zealand Jewish Chronicle (May 1992) 17.

"Psychogeography", critical essay on Howard F. Stein Developmental Time, Cultural Space: Studies in Psychogeography  and Howard F. Stein and William G. Niederland, eds, Maps from the Mind: Readings in Psychogeography, in The Journal of Psychohistory 19:3 (1992) 356-361.

Review of Astradur Eysteinsson, The Concept of Modernism in Philosophy and Literature 16:2 (1992) 396-397.

Review of N.F. Blake, William Caxton and English Literature  in AUMLA: 78 (1992) 167-170.

"The Missing Jews and Jewishness in Tristram Shandy," The Shandean  4 (1992) 135-152.

"Critique of Indian Criticism," in Charu Sheel Singh, ed., Confederate Gestures: Search for Method in Indian Literature Studies  (New Delhi: Associated Publishing House, 1993), pp. 22-37.

"The Trauma of Birth, Abandonment, and Homelessness in Three Middle English Romances: New Approaches to Medieval Literary Criticism," Charu Sheel Singh, ed., Conferderate Gestures: Search for Method in Indian Literature Studies (New Delhi: Associated Publishing House, 1993), pp. 128-153.
"New Zealand Poetry," Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, 3rd edition, completely rev., eds.  Alex Preminger and T.V.F. Brogan (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993) pp. 835-837.

"The Cagots of Southwestern France: A Study in Structural Discrimination," Mentalities/ Mentalités  8:1 (1993) 44-64.

translated, William Théaux, Psychoanalysis and Ecology  (Lyon: Unefpe, 1993) 30 pp.; and voice-over to video of talk.

Review of Marie LaBarrière-Delorme, La première écriture de la préhistoire occidentale: essai d'interprétatopn des signes paléolithiques de l'Occidentale européen  and La columbe de Glozel: propositions pour une lecture des inscriptions de Glozel  and André Cherpillod, Glozel et l'écriture préhistorique in Mentalities/Mentalités  8:2 (1993) 33-36.

"Belly Laughs: A Look at the Wit and Wisdom of Jonah," Mentalities/ Mentalités  8:2 (1993) 13-21.

"Mythic Grandeur or Pastoral Naïveté in Tangi  by Witi Ihimaera" Recovering Literature  20 (1994) 5-22.

 "On the Origins of Language," Glozel: Les graveurs en silence, eds., Joseph Grivel, Robert Liris and Norman Simms (Orcines: Editions BGC Toscane, 1994, pp.  90-101.

"Dr. Morlet's Letters to Harry Södermann,"  Glozel Newsletter  2 (1994) 1-10.

"The Topos of the First Encounter: Kyniks and Cynics on the Beach" Mentalities/Mentalités  9:2 (1994) 16-26.

"Pacific Poetry in New Zealand," Macmillan Encyclopedia of Commonwealth Literature.  London, 1994.

Ed., with Joseph Grivel and Robert Liris, Glozel: Graveurs en silence.  Orscines: Editions BGC, 1994.  120 pp.  [Prix Bourbonnais 1995.]

"Quixotic and Panzaic: The Principles" (review of Gerald J. Butler, Love and Reading: An Essay in Applied Psychoanalysis and Henry Fielding  and Lawrence's Old Adam: A Reading of Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature) in  Mentalities/Mentalités  9:1 (1994) 69-74.

Review of The Cognitive Revolution in Western Culture, vol. I, by Don LePan in Mentalities /Mentalités  9:2 (1994) 51-53.

Review of Acts of Will: The Life and Work of Otto Rank  by E. James Lieberman in Mentalities/Mentalités  9:2 (1994) 53-55.

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