
Friday 25 October 2013

     Here is the list of publications going back to my university days and first full-time lectureship at the University of Manitoba (Winnipeg).  I have left out hundreds of short book reviews that appeared in newspapers, magazines, newsletters, etc., as well as poems, short stories and odd little reports and jokes.  The earliest extant piece I can find was a front-page article in the Stuyvesant High School newspaper from 1960.


PoemsAlfred, NY: Alfred Sun, 1962.
Review. "An Idiot Joy" Far Point 2 (1969), 63-68.


"Notes Towards a Poetics of Alliterative Verse, William of Palerne", in Proceedings of the Third AULLA Congress, Monash University, August, 1970, ed., J.R. Ellis (Melbourne, 1972) pp. 362-381.
"Some Social and Theoretical Aspects of Late Medieval Drama in London", Parergon  4 (1972). 10-19.
"Comedy as Sentimental Deflation in 'Floris and Blaunchefleur'" (synopsis) in Proceedings and Papers of the XIV AULLA Congress at Otago University, ed., K.I.D. Maslen (Dunedin, 1972), p.250.
Time and Time Again.  (Poems) Dunedin:  Cavemen Press, 1973.
William of Palerne:  A New Edition of a Middle English AlliterativeRomance, Philadelphia:  Norwood, 1973. repr. 1975, 1978, 1980, etc. (Published version of Ph. D. thesis of Washington University [St Louis, MO], 1969.)
Ritual and Rhetoric:  An Annotated Bibliography on the Intellectual and Ceremonial Backgrounds to Middle English Literature (ed.) Philadelphia: Norwood, 1973.
Handbook to the Romanian Studies Conference at the University of Auckland in August 1973 (ed.) Hamil-ton:  New Zealand Romanian Cultural Association, 1973.
"Medieval Theatre in London", Playbill (Hamilton, 1973) 16-17 and 19.
Supplement to the Romanian Studies Conference Handbook (ed.) Hamilton: New Zealand Romanian Cultural Association, 1973.
"A Preliminary Report on the Church at Țiganeşti", Miorița  2:1 (1974).
"A Funeral at Țiganeşti", Miorița  2:2 (1974), 2-12.
"Chaucer's Allusion to Jack Straw", Parergon  8 (1974), 2-12.
"From Stasis to Freedom in Mihail Sadoveanu's The Hatchet", Mosaic (Winnipeg), 7:2 (1974), 45-56.
"A Glimpse at Romania", New Zealand Monthly Review 169 (1975), 15-16.
"Poet, Critic, Teacher", English in New Zealand (September, 1975), 51-66.
"Romania and Maori Cannibalism", Miorita  2:2 (1975), 74-75.
"Multi-Cultural Education in Romania:  A Comparison", Multi-Cultural School 2 (1975), 36-39.
"Partenidon, the Disappointed Prince of Greece--Some Social and Literary Backgrounds to the English Alliterative William of Palerne" Revista de Istorie si Teoria Literatura  24 (1975), 57-65.
A Bibliographical Index of All Books, Stories, Poems and Articles by Romanians and About Romania published in New Zealand between 1970 and 1975 (ed.) Hamilton:  Outrigger, 1975.
Other Times, Other Places. (poems)  Hamilton:  Outrigger, 1975.
Review of Richard Axton's European Drama of the Early Middle Ages  in Parergon 13 (1975), 51-56.
"Review of Jamieson's Marxism and Form", Cahiers roumains d'études littéraires 5 (1975), 121-124.
"Romania's Chaucer, Mihail Sadoveanu:  A Study of Hanu Ancutei"Synthesis  2 (1975), 181-197.  Reprinted as "Mihail Sadoveanu, un chaucer al României:  Studiu despre Hanu-Ancuti", trans. into Romanian by Ileana Verzea, Secolul XX, nr. 11-12 (1981) 145-154.
"Calinescu the Critic", Miorita  3:1 (1976), 24-33.
"Dressing Our Literary Window:  Book of the Month Review of Vincent O'Sullivan, ed. Anthology of Twentieth Century New  Zealand Poetry, second edition".  New Zealand Bookworld, 31 (December 1976), 22.
editor, Judith Wright:  An  Appreciation.  Hamilton:  Outrigger and University of Waikato, 1976.
"Chaucer and the Fourteenth Century Englishman's Awareness of  'Walakye'", Balkan Studies  17:2 (1977).
"Peasant Rebellion as a Folk Language", Miorita  3:1 (1977) 16-22.
"Clamor Horrendissimus - The Sacred Shout in Folklore, Myth and Literature", in Dialogue on Religion - New Zealand Viewpoints 1977  eds. Peter Davis and John Hinchcliff (Auckland University:  Chaplain's Office, 1977), pp. 75-81.
"Luceafarul by Mihail Eminescu:  An Introduction to the National Poet of Romania", Miorita  3:2 (1977), 100-123.
"Conversation with Norman Simms (and Bah Kah Choon)"  Commentary  n.s. 2:4 (1978).
"Problems of an Editor", in Papers from the 45th Conference New Zealand Library Association ... comp. by A.P.U. Millett (Wellington, 1978), pp. 147-151.
"Fair Rosie" and Other Tales of New Zealand Folklife (editor), Hamilton:  Outrigger and Waikato Technical Institute, 1978.
"Imitating the Corpus-Christi: In Search of a Secular Self", in Religious Studies in the Pacific, eds. John Hinchcliff, Jack Lewis and Kapil Tiwari (Auckland University, 1978), pp. 163-175.
"Ned Ludd's Mummers Play" Folklore  89:2 (1978) 166-178.
"A Maori Literature in English.  The Prose Writers, Part 1:  Patricia Grace", Pacific Quarterly  3:2 (1978) 186-199.
"Maori Literature in English:  An Introduction", World Literature Today  52:2 (1978) 223-228.
"A Maori Literature in English.  The Prose Writers, Part 2:  Witi Ihimaera", Pacific Quarterly 3:3 (1978) 336-348, reprinted in Contemporary Literary  Criticism. eds,  Daniel G. Marowski and Roger Matuz (Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1988).
Review of Alexandru Duţu,  Romanian Humanists and European Culture  in Miorța  5:2 (1978), 206-211.
Intersecting Worlds.  (Poems) Hamilton:  Outrigger, 1979.
"Alexandru Duţu and the History of Mentalities", Comparative Literature Studies  XVI:3 (1979), 250-261.
"'Scotch Cattle':  Una forma gallese di spettacolo.  Il dramma folkloristico alla luce della storia del teatro in Europa", Biblioteca Teatrale 23/24 (1979), 117-131.  (Translated by Cesare Molinari.)

Review of James S. Fu, Mythic and Comic Aspects of the Quest in Canadian Review of Comparative Literature  6:4 (1979), 440-443.

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