
Friday 22 November 2013

Nazi-Looted Art, List of References

Though we have not yet completed the essay on Nazi-Looted Art which was inspired by the Gurlitt Hoard found in Munich a few weeks ago, it is time to post the main soruces I have used while composing this speculative essay.  

Anonymous. “Hildebrand Gurlitt’s Secret: A Vast Trove of Art Comes to Light in a Munich Flat after Seven Decades” The Economist (11 November 2013) online at http://www.
Anonymous.  “Hildbrand Gurlitt” in Wikepedia online at Hildebrand_Gurlitt
Anonymous, Reuters, “Collector of Billion-Dollar Nazi-Looted Art Trove Denies Works were Stolen from Jews” The Forward (18 November 2013) online at hhtp:// articles/187790/collector-of-billion-dollar-nazi-looted-art-trove
Axelrod, Toby.  “Looted Art Story Takes Spy Novel Twist—With Nazi Punchline” in The Forward (11 November 2013) online at Forward Today %2
Brabou, Olivier de.  Gyp, Comtesse de Mirabeau-Martel, 1849-1932: Pasionaria nationaliste, home de lettres et femme du monde.  Paris : Publibook, 2002.
Cogitore, Baptiste.  “Hildebrand Gurlitt, portrait d’un marchand ‘d’art dégénéré’” Arte Journal (5 novembre 2013) online at’art-degenere/7700492,CmC=7701130
Gensberger, Sarah.  Images d’un pillage : Album de la spoliation des Juifs à Paris, 1943-1944 (Paris : Textuel, 1910).
Gensburger, Sarah.  “The Banality of Robbing the Jews” The New York Times (15 November 2013) online at
Dickey, Christopher and Nadette De Visser, “The Man who Hoarded Art for the Nazis,” The Daily Beast (5 November 2013) online at
Girard, Keith.  “Hildebrand Gurlitt, Notorius Nazi Art Thief, Surfaces in Art Probe” The Improper (4 November 2013) online at
Harwood, E.  “Status Anxiety: Degas’ Impetus for Hatred” online at http://blogs.princeton. edu/wri152-3/f05/eharwood/status_anciety_degas_impetus_for_hatred
Hoffman, Eva.  After Such Knowledge: German History and the Legacy of the Holocaust.  New York: Public Affairs, 2004.
Hudson, Alexandra and Irene Preisinger, “Secretive Art World let German Hoarder of Nazi Looted Art Hide in Plain Sight,” GMA News on Line (Reuters 10 November 2013) online at news/story/334807/lifestyle/artandculture/secretive-art-world-let-german-hoarder-of-nazi-=looted-art-aide-in-plain-sight
Lane, Mary M, Harriet Torry and Matthew Karitsching, “The Strange Tale of Nazis, Mr. Gurlitt and the Lost Masterpieces” WJS (8 November 2013) online at SB10001424052702303304579185861314057386
Levi, Neil.  “The Uses of Nazi Degenerate Art” The Chronicle of Higher Education (12 November 2013)
Mitten, Richard.  The Politics of Anti-Semitic Prejudices:  The Waldheim Phenomenon in Austria.  Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford: Westview Press, 1982.
Nicholas, Lynn H.  The Rape of Europa: The Fate of Europe’s Treasures in the Third Reich and the Second World War. New York: Vintage Books/Random House, 1995 (1994).
Pontz, Zach.  “German Recluse, Hoarder of Stolen Nazi Art, Wants his Controevrsial Billion-Dollar Collection Back“ The Algemeiner (127 November 2013) online at hhtp://www.algemeiner. com.2013/11/ Zach Pontz, “German Recluse, Hoarder of Stolen Nazi Art, Wants his Controversial Billion-Dollar Collection back” online at hoarder-of-stolen-nazi-art-wants-his controversial-billion-dollar-collection-back
Rising, David and Kirsten Greishaber, “US Documents Raise Questions on Munich Art Hoard” M. Tap Milwaukee (7
Roth, Samuel.  Now and Forever: A Conversation with Mr Israel Zangwill on  The Jew and Future (New York: Robert M, McBride, 1925)

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