
Sunday 15 December 2013

Pompous Courses for the Epistemiologically Challenged

University of Pipi-Tipi-Woo-Hoo



08.104 The Clyde Dam[3]
Clearing away the bull shit.  Agreements never agreed to.  A study in government mismanagement and judicial repression.  Open to all first year students.

17.322 University Administration

Designed for chemistry majors with a flair for radioactive sherry.  This course will examine topics such as: suppressing letters, hiring under false pretenses, investing salary funds etc.  Not suitable for political science lecturers.

01.213 Cancer Labs as Lunch Rooms

                        How to increase your body weight by training your cells to grow free, at the same time as you study Goethe, Schiller and other Romantic poesy.  A variety of metathesizing nodes of personal growth.  A must for all German and journalism students. 

98.213 The Papist-Masonic-Jewish Plot

Taught by trendy lefties, Palestinian guerrillas and Jansenist mystics.  This course will trace the long history of al chemical intrigue that led up to the declaration of Western Samoans as New Zealand citizens.  Open to all second rate students.

36.36X Basic Laziness

                        All members of the university join in this special physical fatness program, which will meet weekly in the library toilets.  No special preparation required.  Bring an awl to open notches in your belt.

77.777 How to Close a Teachers College

Units in rumor, subterfuge and back-stabbing will be taught by a panel of experts flown in on cancelled Air New Zealand flights to the South Pole, including the Monster of Education, the Under-secretary of Price Gouging and the Prime Minister’s ex-tea lady.  Closed to all students.

43.133 Enzymes and the Empire

                        Fiscal responsibility with a human face; eczema for fun and profit; neuro-surgery for the backyard amateur.  Essential for psychology majors; may be substituted for any seven regular first year Deviant Psychology Courses.

06.546 The Gran Chaco War

                        Jointly taught by members of the department of Gherka studies and Hysterics.  This course will deal with a blow by blow, day by day, hillock by hillock account of the war that shook the world in the 1930s.  Field trips, re-enactments, casualties.  Loads of fun.  Bring a picnic lunch.

99.333 Normal Occurrences

                        Here physicists and philologists study everyday things.  Find out why chalk dust makes you sneeze; thrill to the revelations of how pencil sharpeners work; discover the mysteries of whisper campaigns; and delight in the satisfaction of knowing how to make an elevator work.  For flunking graduate-students in Business Studies only.

87.225 Making the Best of Your Overseas Leave

                        Not given in 1983, 1984, 1985 etc

[1] This was actually written more than 25 years ago, at a time when, still somewhat youthful in my daring, I would leave copies around the tea-rooms in the university for the delectation and shock of colleagues, who suspected but never quite guessed who was doing it.
[2] Again I attempt to update or at least explicate the nature of the intellectual and aesthetic problems to be tackled in these spoof seminars.
[3] This was once a big issue in New Zealand.  Now it is all but forgotten.  But then both here in the Antipodes and upstairs in the real world there are many more, equally contentious if not more absurd projects to be studied.  Choose your own.

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