
Tuesday 24 June 2014

Two Difficult Sonnets

Having crept breathlessly up to the very edge
Of the abyss, I hesitated and would not look down
Where the moral cauldron roared.  I gave no pledge
To do what ancient philosophers did.  My frown
Could not match the Laughing One.  But still,
There was I—and there was the end of the universe.
For some, old melodies return and give a thrill,
As though the past were locked in song and verse.
Not me.  Nor could I bring to my mind apothegms,
Proverbs, sayings and popular words.  Meanwhile,
Out of the depths of that vast chasm, rhythms
Of a different sort escaped—Castle, Trial,
Metamorphosis, Mountain, Bride,
Little Man—and so I leaped, eyes opened wide.


What a confusion of clichés down this rabbit hole!
What a phantasmagoria of neologisms!
The metrics of my mind went all askew, my soul
Did somersaults, and my memory shut down.
Someone yelled out: Karma! Another: Pleonisms!
Not the voices in the House of Fame or the crown
Of foolishness on the head of the Beast, but signs
Absorbing shadows and glimmering silhouettes
Conflated into music of the spheres—all schisms
Born of conjugations drawn through purple prisms.
What was there left for a poet to do, on the brink
Of eternity, but go for it, take all bets
And, throwing lumps of caution to the wind, link

his consciousness and distraught lonely pines.

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