
Thursday 21 August 2014

Job's Dung Heap: No. 12

Worse than Nonsense: Post-Modernism and
the Scourge of Orientalist Ideology

By treating the likes of Edward Said as reservoirs of unchallenged morality, the left had become complicit in the oppression of others. The old lessons of the USSR and the French Revolution, the danger of handing unlimited moral authority to outraged fanatics with an agenda, had not been learned. Instead class made way for race. The elites who had claimed to speak for the workers in France and Russia were dismissed. The new elites were wealthy prep school grads like Edward Said who claimed to speak for a non-existent people in an imaginary country based on three vacations he had taken there.[1]

It is difficult to write about events that are in process and thus are changing in their configuration all the time.  There is a need therefore, as much as possible, to be able to stand back just a little, enough so as to begin to gain perspective. 

What kinds of perspective?

To begin with, there is a need to find the historical context, the reasons why and how the current crisis came into being: who were  the parties involved, and why are some of the original players no longer in evidence but only there through the traces they have left of their actions and ideas. 

Then, there is the need for a perspective that studies the discourses used and the panoply of imagery that seem to constitute the crisis itself, whereas close scrutiny of the words and pictures shown reveal not only that these are manufactured, manipulated and imported from other times and places, but that they have been deliberately been constructed for the purposes of confusion and obfuscation.  Therefore one must become highly sensitive to the neologisms, the cant, and the clichés at work in what purports to be news. 

The perspective of logic calls for an examination of the coherence of the texts and videos shown: does one idea or one action follow on from what proceeds? Are there contradictions between what you see and hear and what introductory remarks or voice-overs tell you is there?  Who ate claimed to be the authority for the sources? Watch out for incomplete passive voices—it is said that, or worse, so-and-so was killed, where no acting subject is ever given; and times when complex events are reduced to single, simple acts, as when “ceasefire ends”, not that one side or the other deliberately did something to violate the terms of the agreement.  False or exaggerated analogies also show up, and illogical or unsafe extrapolations and conclusions: single, random instances taken as general proofs:  “Unnamed sources” or “a spokesman for” or “witnesses claim”. 

Some analysts have been able to parse video clips and been able to compare frame by frame sequencing, checked angles of shadows, particular sounds of rifles, rockets, drones and voices from afar.  Why do certain settings keep reappearing, or the same adults carrying a variety of corpses at different times of the day, or the same bloodied body of a child shown in front of a variety of buildings and moaned over by three or four female persons called “his mother”?

While all sides in a conflict tend to use propaganda for their own purposes—to win sympathy, to prove culpability on the other-side—be sure that you know what is going on.  Why do Gazans, for instance, revel in the sufferings of others and boast of their own martyrdom, while the Israelis seek to show themselves as concerned, careful, caring people and display acts of charity and mercy? 

The Alchemical Soup of Fanatical Islam

What you can see is a biochemical high from a combination of the bonding hormone oxytocin and the dominance hormone testosterone.  Much more than cocaine or alcohol, these natural drugs lift mood, induce optimism and energize action on the part of the group.[2] 

Though there has been (so far as I know) no chemical analysis of the hormone levels in ISIS or other terror-fanaticists before during and after murderous rampages of savage proportions, it is likely that Ian Roberston’s statement above is true, so far as it goes; and, to be sure, he does not explain the entire phenomenon as a consequence of stress-induced hormonal triggers, but only offers a description of what the physiological dimensions of group action on a population of individuals made susceptible to these triggers based on personal developmental history, ideological indoctrination, and specific adult events that strip away inhibitions to violence and cruelty.  Nancy Hartvelt Kobrin’s studies of Chechyan and other Jihadi mass-murderers has shown that they have profound difficulties in socialized bonding with society after broken or malfunctioning relationships with their mothers and fathers. Psychohistorians have long known, too, that children abused often by their caregivers and abandoned or neglected by circumstances throughout infancy and through adolescence become highly susceptible to suggestion and entry into trance-like states, particularly those which involves shared hypnotic dreams, nightmares and other hallucinations. More than specific instances of psychotic behaviour resulting in suicide shootings, the group phenomena seen recently in ISIS collective killings by hanging, stoning, crucifixion and beheading, and the zombie-like collective gathering of Gazans to serve as human-shields, the reinforced collective lying about what they have seen and experienced during the war with Israel, and the willingness of many young children to service as suicide agents demonstrate sociopahic conditioning throughout much of a relatively confined population. 

Yet this does not explain the persistent propensity of western media, intellectuals and academics to identify with fanatical murders and to hate with a self-blinding fury the people of Israel and Jews around the world, at the very least to believe in and to purvey vicious and insidious lies contrary to their own intellectual skills and personal experiences—as demonstrated by a few journalists who have m their sanity when removed from the heart of the crisis.

Are they merely variations on what Goldhagen denominated Hitler’s “willing executioners”, that is, German-speaking persons long imbued with a culture of anti-Semitism, both religious and racial, so that, rather than the denials uttered immediately after the close of World War Two that they neither knew what was happening nor had any opportunity to prevent the Holocaust, they had been—as contemporary photographs, newspaper articles, private correspondence, diaries and similar documentation—not coerced or physically threatened into cooperation, but eagerly took part in the round-ups, humiliations and execution of Jews. Because of the extended period during which the Final Solution was in progress and the systematic methods used, it would be difficult to speak in terms of spontaneous triggers of hormonal rage—as say, one can do in terms of the Rwandan genocide or the mass killings in Pol Pot’s Cambodia.  Moreover, aside from a few days, at best, of western journalists misunderstanding the nature of the ethnic cleansing going on in the one instance, or the large-scale incarcerations and cruel killings of the other, there is no indication that intellectuals or academics either rationalized away these outbursts of genocidal activity or sought to identify themselves with the parties or governments involved. 

Moreover, working in collusion, reinforcing one another’s false narratives and engaging in toxic conversations that invert real facts, project on the other the criminality of the guilty parties, and congratulate one another on the virtues of victimhood, the Hamasniks and the so-called journalists who work closely with the terrorist-gang that purports to be a government in Gaza, the current group delusion of a genocidal Israel and a murderous Jewish ideology have very few precedents in history.  Though as a few writers and artists could see in the 1930s and into the 1940s, such as André Suarès, their colleagues and friends were completely taken in either by Soviet propaganda or Nazi vaunts of a Brave New Order to save Europe and the World.  And when they pointed this out to them in public, that Lenin and then Stalin were, like Hitler and Mussolini, dangerous dictators who spouted forth disgusting, more than merely errant, nonsense, Suarès and his few supporters in France, especially through their own essays in cultural reviews and weekly newspapers, were vilified and their own access to publishing houses and magazine editors cut.  This is similar to those speakers who attempt stand up for Israel in universities, lecture halls, community centres, television interviews other venues of supposedly free discussion: they are mocked, shouted down, and ejected physically (or as is sometimes said: disinvited).

Because these so-called journalists, intellectuals and academics believe so deeply in their own—that is, the adopted and adapted arguments and illusions (or delusions) of the anti-Jewish regimes that have no other goal than the destruction of Israel (to wipe it off the map) and to kill all Jews everywhere and anywhere in the world—they reduce the image of Zionism and of Judaism to caricature and stereotype.  They mock (in denial) Israel’s claims that its retaliation against Hamas rocket launched into Israel are preceded by warnings, by careful monitoring of who may be in the target zone, and by aborting raids when it would involve too many innocent, civilian casualties.  They disregard the fact that the government in Jerusalem does not blockade food, medicine, and other essentials into Gaza, though it does prevent materials that would be used to construct tunnels or build weaponry. They gloss over (at best) the fact that the IDF hunts down individuals who actually do break the rules of war or perform acts of gratuitous cruelty, just the government tracks down individuals who murder Palestinians or appropriate land illegally. 

If Israel is not perfect in every fine point, these opponents of Zionism proclaim, then it does not deserve to exist as a Jewish state, they say; and some, with a religious bent, take this further to say that Jews are hypocrites and desecrators of their own Law.  These detractors (some call them self-loathing Jews) try to drive a wedge between different modes of Judaism, such as Ashkenazi (deemed arrogant manipulators of Talmudic logic through pilpul), Sephardi (overly proud of their Spanish-Portuguese nobility and bigotterd against those they deem inferior), West European Jews (German and Central European Yekkers) against East Europeans (Litvacks and Galizianas), new migrants and native-born Sabras,  or in religious terms between Ultra-Orthodox, Modern Orthodox, Conservative, Liberal, Reform and then different schools of Hasidus—and not least between modern secular Israelis and more traditional and spiritual believers.

[1] Daniel Greenfield, “Edward Said: Oppressed Fraud” Frontpage Mag (20 August 2014) online at http://www/
[2] Ian H. Robertson, “ISIS Savagery Explained”. Psychology Today (18 August 2014) online at http;//www.  The essay is based on the author’s book  The Winner Effect: Exploring the Neuroscience of Success and Failure.

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