
Sunday 10 August 2014

Job's Dung Heap: part 3

The Distorting Powers of Suggestibility
and their Psychohistorical Origins

Since the beginning of the latest clash between Israel and Hamas on July 8, European Muslim groups and some European leftists have engaged in violent protests aimed not only at supporting Palestine (or as in the case of a demonstration in The Hague, but in calling for the destruction of the Jews.  “Slash their throats,” Muslims chanted in a July 26 pro-Palestine event in Paris.  “death to the Jews.:”  In The Hague a group of mostly Dutch-born youths of Moroccan background repeated the noew familiar refrain: “Hamas, Hamas, all Jews to the Gas,” along with new ones: “Itah ya Yahud” (slaughter the Jews”) and “Khaybar Khaybar, ya-Yahud.”[i]
Abigail R. Eisman, or the headline writer at The Algemeiner, chose to designate the source of these murderous chants as “Europeans”, not only because some of the participants in the anti-Israeli/pro-Palestinian rallies and riots were actually leftist Europeans and  Dutch-born Moroccans, but because the vast majority of the mobs were unassimilated migrants (legal or illegal) now living in The Netherlands and other parts of Europe. Though we might quibble at the categorizing of these persons, there is more historical ambiguity in the source of their ideological or religious slogans: into the mix of calls for the destruction of Israel and death to all Jews flow two main currents, on the one side, archaic anti-Semitic slanders and lies, not least the Nazi Final Solution, and on the other, Koranic-based demonization of the Jews as the implacable enemies of Muslims, Mohammed and Allah.  Given these two main contributing factors to the hatred expressed by increasingly large and frequent rallies throughout Western Europe, North America and elsewhere in the world, it is possible to say that the latest Israel-Hamas conflict does not lie at the root of the matter, no more so than the more than a half-century-long conflict over the State of Israel as a Jewish/Zionist entity and the Arab and Muslim peoples who claim this same territory as their ancestral homeland, or at least since 19547 or 1936 or earlier in the twentieth century.  The hatred of Jews, for both the Europeans and the Islamic enthusiasts, lies much deeper.  It is virtually a constituent of their mythical and psychological identities.  It is, indeed, the dung heap of history which fertilizes all other hatreds—of the other and of the self.

The Phantasmagoria:
Media Suggestion, Public Gullibility and Intellectual Dissimulation[ii]

It was all done with smoke and mirrors: eerie music, darkened atmosphere, magic lanterns, and days of expectation.  It began late in the eighteenth century, while everyone was in a state of terror, anxiety and enthusiasm—all those changes in so few years, that was the French Revolution of 1789, just too much to take in.  It was a form of showmanship to draw the crowds in, make them climb down winding stairs by candlelight, to pass through slippery, shimmery cloths hanging down, and then to hear singing and moaning from a distance, to see images projected on to clouds of smoke, familiar faces of the ancient Romans, recent glimpses of the leaders of the Revolution, tempting visions of erotic dancers; and the close pressure of everyone else, equally excited and excitable.  This was the phantasmagoria.[iii] 
Later it would be elaborated by the first motion pictures shown by Georges Melies, a master magician, the created techniques of stop-gap photography, superimposed pictures, disap-pearing figures, split-screen characters, mixtures of real life and fantasy, passions roused by background singing and music, dancing letters forming and unforming words, a whole new world of illusion and self-induced delusion.  And eventually there would be talking films, television, and the whole symphony of digital trickery and hypnosis.  Our world seen through a glass darkly, in enigmas. The loss of the ability to discriminate between history and fiction.  Gaza produced by Pallywood. 
A phantasmagoria, once an actual stage show to play on people’s anxieties and fears by teasing their senses into emotional excitement, has now become a massive effort to induce a demonized version of Israel and the Jewish people in general.  All the old images of anti-Semitism have been fitted out with digitalized bells and whistles, so that it is made to seem that Israel is the cause of all the world’s troubles, and that the innocent and utterly vulnerable Palestinian people, above all frightened children and old screaming women, had become the embodiment of all our guilt for centuries of persecution of the “other” and shame for our helplessness in the face of war.
Can you argue with that?  Seeing is believing, isn’t it?  It doesn’t matter that it is more than a century and half since we learned that photographs can lie, and that reality itself (as opposed to the Truth of science and logic) is a social construct, or rather, a cosmetic art.  Nor does it matter that we know perfectly well how delightful it is to scream with fear in a darkened movie theatre when 3-D horrors are seemingly thrown in our faces.  Nor that, no matter how many times we see the same tricks, or the same actors not very subtly playing different roles and wearing different make-up dying and coming back to life in new films, or the same props and scenery trucked out again and again, audiences can be duped when they are told this is a street in Gaza, this is a school run by the UN, this is a mosque where people take shelter: we simply don’t notice the weapons stored along the walls of the hospital, the tunnels built under the floor of a private house , the young boys racing along street with guns and intimidating anyone who tries to run away. 
Hostile, prejudiced and mesmerized journalists solemnly intone the lies they are forced to speak, although a few, finally out of harm’s way, back in Italy or France, do reveal that they have not only seen the evidence of Hamasniks executing their political enemies—that is, anyone who refuses to become a human shield—but also photographed the rockets fired by “militants”—in other words, innocent civilians under the age of twenty, or perhaps a few dozen years older—that fall short, as apparently a quarter of them do.  And why do the newspaper editors or the directors of television networks not show those pictures, interview those people who are not professional supporters of Hamas, or speak to the parents of Israeli boys shot by “children” who emerge from tunnels and shoot them on Israeli soil, as more than half the victims of this conflict have been?  It doesn’t make good copy.  The function of the news now is confirm prejudices, and deepen sentimental states of feeling so as to alleviate the guilt and shame of not responding the ethnic cleansing of Christians from Mosul and a hundred other cities in Iraq, Syria, Nigeria and so on.  If we show the wrong images, they must say to themselves, these pious venders of entertainment on the six o’clock news, we may not be allowed to go in for more pictures tomorrow.  Business is business.
And yet we cannot blame viewers who are horrified and disgusted by the sight of mothers and children killed or wounded amongst the ruins of war. It is no pleasant sight.  Our human compassion cries out for their pain and suffering.  But we have to stand back just enough before we assign blame here or there, exaggerate the meaning of what we are supposedly seeing, or even believe all that we see and hear.  In books written during the first two years of World War I and edited by well-meaning authors, musicians, artists and philanthropists, the shock of destruction and death on a massive scale was too much to bear, the myths of one side devouring the babies of the other accepted, not as metaphors of the grotesqueness of battle—with new kinds of weapon, such as airplanes, poison gas, and the whole melding of blood and mud in trench warfare—but as literal statements.  At times, too, the writers were aware that they were forced to shift gears radically, replacing the caricature of the Russian barbarian with that of the Prussian savage; but no one was ready to adjust their vision sufficiently to see events in the long-run of history.  Poor little Flanders was being ground into the mud.  Simple farmers were crushed by the machinery of battle.  Later, too, a generation further on, newsreels churned out propaganda, some of it based on true events, and Blitzkrieg was matched by carpet bombing of cities filled with civilians refugees.  The account of twenty thousand (at least) innocents killed during the D-Day invasion did not come into focus or the Allied liberation of Europe mighty have to be called a war crime, as almost happens with the double atomic bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.  War is hell.  But as the last survivor of the American crew that flew over those Japanese cities recently said, sometimes you have to do terrible things to avoid even more horrendous things.
The fog of war.  Smoke and mirrors.  The phantasmagoria.  It is sometimes necessary. 
But the concerted effort by some now to bamboozle and befuddle the public by making the good guys into the bad guys is unconscionable.  The concept of justifiable or a defensive war is brushed aside, as though the enemy were not an enemy at all, though it is recognized as ISIS or the Taliban or Al-Qaida elsewhere, but a passive body of victims.  Partisans and supporters of Hamas are given much airtime to vent their fury and their tears, with no one questioning their authority or sincerity. Incomplete passive constructions fly by, as though things just happened, without anyone causing them.  Statistics are often made up—or repeated holus bolus from the previous Israeli invasion of Gaza, when a similar vile attempt to blacken Israel’s integrity and moral caution overwhelmed political discourses.  Now, however, what is added is nothing less than a world-wide sequence of pogroms—synagogue burnings, street thugs beating up Jews on the street, wild hate-speech married to violent actions in city after city.

[i] Abigail R. Esman, “Europeans Call for the Death and Gassing of Jews. Again” The Algemeiner (6 August 2014) online at  The allusion to Khyber  is to an event in the life of the Prophet when “Mohammad slaughtered and enslaved hundreds of Jews, including women and children,” which is shouted, according to Esman, as a warning that “we are coming for you”.
[ii] This was first published as “The Phantasmagoria: Media Suggestion,. Public Gullibility and Intellectual Dissimulation” Family Security Matters (3 August 2014) publications/the-phantasmagoria-media-suggestion-public-gullibility-and-intellectual-dissimulation
[iii] Norman Simms, “The Phantasmagoria of Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism” Mentalities/Mentalités 24:2 (2010) 52-64.

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