
Friday 24 April 2015

A Little Poem

Here for a change is a little poem, somewhat gloomy, a bit ironic.

There was a time when everything seemed easy, clear
And uncomplicated, when birds would fly,
In the air, fish glide through the oceans, deer
Race in forests, walrus slide on polar ice,
And people, in every age, would work and play
And then occasionally go to war and die,
One way or another, without a fuss. Then the crime
Occurred, without anyone knowing why,
Everything changed: creatures every day
Disappear in different directions, some at night,
Into melting whirlpools, others fade away
Like clouds, and soon enough Old Chaos may write
The final poetry on earth in languages unspoken

Leaving all our childish dreams dead or broken.

PS.  I have noticed in the past several weeks there has been a series of spikes in the readers of this Blog, and they mostly seem to come from Eastern Europe and the Russian Federation.  Who are you?  Any comments?  Now that I have dropped my facebook page, anyone wishing to communicate will have to use the comments section of my Blog.

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