
Monday 15 February 2016

Storm of Verses

Waiting for the Storm 

The air is lugubrious with impending rain and awaits
The roll of thunder, the flash of electricity,
all promised for weeks. The heat never abates,
hangs from the drooping trees, wanders the city
like a confused old man, almost always late.

Contumacious is the night, the weight
Of contention never resolved or violence released,
Only expectations, only failures of the state
To exercise its powers, and all those dark deceased
Followers dragged by clouds across the slate

Like squealing chalk designed to irritate.
Our patience has been tested, and never ceased
Until the dawn brought dew, and dew a date
That could not fix itself, unfold what had been creased
And offer solace where everything was desolate.

In the Dog Days nothing  can be written
And rhymes back up, rhythms faltering, words mate
Promiscuously, produce sterile verses
As when a half-dozing typist dons her heavy mittens
And goes through sluggish motions—what a fate!
Lugubrious or not, it’s not epic versus
Tragedy, but comedy and farce I await.

Winter masks the carnival of ancient beasts,
The wrestling bears, the howling wolves, the wodewoses
And the gnarled old faces of the fairies, all the feasts
Of archaic ritual, all the disguises and grotesque poses,
And all the magical chants, dances and orgies,
Muffled mummery, witches, all a mockery of Moses
After his descent, the mount, tablets raised,
His eyes adjusting to the scene—naked breasts
And dangling genitals around a bovine idol—
Then everything the Law declared had to be rephrased
From shards of rage, and anger everywhere to bridle,
Thus giving to the inarticulate and bullish model
New meanings for a nameless deity,

Unrhymed and silent in the Holy City.

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