
Sunday 15 May 2016

More Verses from the Antipodes

Bella Lugosi was never bellicose, frightening
Though he might have been, with his his ugly face,
His shivery voice, I could feel a tightening
In my muscles. Cinema was a scary place
For a child who barely could distinguish dream
From awkward word, and never heard of actors:
What we saw was real, who evoked a scream
Was someone or something near.  Other factors
Never entered my mind: projector, film, a beam
Of light through the darkness to a screen; directors,
Producers, stuntmen, never heard of.  A gleam,
A ghost, a glimmering of fantasy.
Dracula, Frankenstein and frightened me.


This is what they found
in a small sarcophagus,
barely formed, impure,
a mummified foetus:
who is it that bound
the unborn creature
with such love and care,
more valuable to life  than air?

Here is something else discovered
near the sea, impressed in shale,
a female dinosaur who covered
her child as the earth grew pale
and eternal night, mysterious,
in the wake of a meteor’s fall:
she gazes down at it, not us,
as mothers always must.

Their death, they say, opened a place
for our ancestors.  I trust
somewhere they realize this grace,
this unintended natural sacrifice,
our gratefulness through time’s dark must,
not dregs, not even ambergris,
but born of cosmic longing, the face
of an unending primal lust.

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