
Wednesday 2 November 2016

Poem for early November


Not Kierkegaard’s earthquakes, metaphorical,
Nor Lisbon’s ingenious conceit of Catholic sin,
Nor Lima’s premonitions of the world’s spherical
Demise, spinning out of control, veins of tin
And silver colliding from one end of the globe to another;
Nor this year’s Italian tremblings, tremor after tremor,
Lamentations of disorder, seismograph
No internal eye could ever photograph,
Disingenuous monitoring of tectonic plates,
As though we teetered on rust encrusted skates
And gathered in the rubble-strewn squares and plazas, nuns
And invalids, firemen and visual journalists, while suns
Do cartwheels in the mountains and siren puns
Elucidate the crunching of the fault-lines
Into a poetry of fossil creatures without spines
Who now emerge from deep within the lava
Caverns and shake their tentacles—we have a
Situation on this planet from tsunamis in the north
To melting icecaps in the south.  To go forth
As though the spiritual world and the moral mind

Are as they were in Søren’s time, or with Voltaire’s kind

Of rational certainties is now patently absurd;

We flee the fissures, the fractures and the fatuous word.

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