
Thursday 13 July 2017

Mysterious Illuminated Manuscript

Meditations on a Page of the Voynich Manuscript

Eight of them, women of various ages and shapes,
Three above and five below, in a wooden tub,
Naked, each one with her hand on her butt,
All looking to the left, not very happy.
Italian Jewesses at a mikvah, it has been suggested,
Not some pornographic image of the stews,
Not Graces dancing in a Florentine festival,
Yet it seems they are processing as they soak.
Someone is bound to understand what they are looking at
Out there beyond the velum and the ink,
though the manuscript is indecipherable
and the drawing is rather crude, a dream in sketches.
And though its provenance is unknown, it is no joke
To imagine something mysterious and deep—
If not in the women themselves or in the aquatic ceremony,
Then perhaps after all these years, in the fears we sense
In ourselves, our dread of discovery as naïve fools
Whose role in the world is to float between life and death.

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