
Sunday 17 September 2017

Archaeological Poem

A Viking Woman Speaks Out of the Grave

For more than a century, you looked at me, that is,
My remains, and you assumed, fools that you are,
I was a Viking warrior.  Why? Some weapons,
Some pieces of armour, a figure that was quite spare,
And that must mean a male, a hero, a sepulchre,
All attributes of patriarchy—what is
This prejudice that came into the world? Not here
In the shadows I have left around me, high-born woman,
Raised to hunt and sail, protect and conquer when needed.
Bear children? Of course, I did, more than ever man
Concerned himself with, foolish being, beaded
Up with rings of steel, long-haired louts, who ran
Away from battles. I cut a swathe, as I breeded ,

Lived to the utmost, a full and glorious span.

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