
Sunday 1 October 2017

Two Springtime Poems

Yom Kippur 2017
Another year passes without our knowing when to fast
But not when to feel a deep sense of guilt and shame,
Aware that some time in this season the day will pass
And even if the evening prayer forgets my name
There is no way to stand with others when the blast
Of the ancient horn is blown—no one to blame
For this negligence, this silent blasphemy.
In my mind there is somewhere a chicken’s neck
To twist and cast away misgivings, my
Little crumbs of lost belief, the wreck
Of memories from ancient nights when I
Stood next to my father, listened to the chant
Of a chazzan, felt the warmth of piety,
Unaware that this would be the last
Time we stood together man to man.

The Victory of Old Night
As if that weren’t enough, with the celestial clashes
Causing havoc across the Milky Way, the jungle
Animals that had been tamed in circuses
Decided as of one accord to give out lashes
To anyone who thwarted their desires. Bungle
This, shouted the creator of the universe, once again
And all the starry girders will be retracted, all enacted
Legislation made null and void.  No one listened.
No one understood.  No one cared.  The tangle
Of traffic, the snarl of pedagogy, and kids reacted
In obscene adult rage.  Yet neither chaos
Ensued nor anarchy broke out in places
You would most expect, where snakes snuggle
Up to elephants or in kindergarten fortresses
Constructed out of Lincoln Logs. Happy faces
Lapsed into growling masks, and thus all traces
Of reason disappeared, like puppy faeces
After a lovely summer’s rain, without a struggle.

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