
Sunday 12 November 2017

mid-November poem

Straight to the Point

I can never get stalactites and stalagmites straight in my head
Nor the difference between port and lee, let alone aft and fore,
Even in times of stress, left and right—but before
You call me an idiot, remember how long I have been dead.
There was a time in my youth when I thought the red
Light meant the cars had to stop and I could walk, the green
Signalled it was a dangerous road to cross—for
Crimson was a positive colour, verdant sad.  A screen
In the cinema did not exist: images were real.
Nor were there actors and scripts—things just were.
Back in the streets, late afternoon, all a whirr,
We rolled and fought over what was best, steel
Or cellophane for heroes to wear in battle, blur
Of colours through the sun, sparkle to blind
The enemy, transparency, invisible powers stir
To courage, protection from dreams, and thus all wind
Their way homewards after the film in the cave of hopes,
Ideas tied to our imaginary ropes.

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