
Saturday 6 January 2018

Poem in a New Year

News of a Recent Passing

We should have known more was wrong than what you said.
You were never one to moan and display your pains.
But I did not expect this news, this word that you were dead.
Now my head is splitting. Guilt weighs on my brains.
The other news from over there has to do with weather,
High temperatures, drowning  seaside crowds,
Fanatics with their clashing cars—all that is blather.
Nothing.  The sky collapses on my head.
Should he marry him or she her? Whether
One may choose the time of death? Heads bowed
Before the surge of politics.  You’re gone
Before I had the time to say farewell.
My fault for not suspecting.  Mea culpa!
The man who wasn’t there on the stairwell
Doesn’t matter,  unless it was you.  Does it matter?
Chicken Little, go away, and leave me grieve alone.

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