
Saturday 17 March 2018

Mid-March Madness

Clouds of Unknowing

In the darkest valleys of the highest mountains we find no peace.
With cascades descending like maternal cries, boulders
Unloosed and skies unleashed, everything  must cease
Its meanings.  We waited for the Titans whose shoulders
Burdened with earthly worries, but there only came
A very fine mist, silent and translucent,
To which we could not lay our claim nor complain
Without appearing foolish.  Our rage unspent,
Small tears and sighs were all we had, mere breath
Remaining, empty, dry, like stains at dusk,
Stretched across the horizon. Thy sting, o Death!
We cannot feel, fatal phantom, mere husk.
Instead, from below, the clouds of unknowing rise
With a stench unbearable bringing us down to size.

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