
Sunday 18 August 2019

Poems : August 2019


Who is this man who cannot see beyond his ego,
Whose soul is wind, whose wind is foul, who fouls
The nest of everyone he visits, who does not know
The way of compassion, the rumblings of his bowels?
Where is the voice that speaks compassion, that bows
Before adversity, not submission, but faith,
So that he feels the pain, whose heart that glows
In sympathy provides the warmth that sayeth
You are worth my breath, and in your life, your death,
My ego burns away? The hatred does:
It never goes away in noises worse
Than silence, in boasting more than curse;
The blindness and the numbness, from nose
To toes, from selfishness to something worse.
Who before has ever reached such lows?

In times of grief and mourning, thoughts and prayers
Are not enough: where is pity, piety and remorse?
The crawling worms among the golf-course players
Undermine the platitudes of the Boss,
The me-me meme, the nation’s bleeding loss
Unstaunched, the tricky call to politics
Where bathos beckons, thickens on the moss,
No caddy-drawn executive, he licks
The boots of anyone who trod on him, the gloss
Of empty words and sentiments, he kicks
The beggar on the street, the victim, you’re fired,
Aghast at the sight of losers, hatred sired, desired
Of nothing but his towers and lackey’s numbed face,
Of migrants’ screams and cruelty at the base.

He hanged himself, the records show his corpse,
Unlike the others hash-tagged and obstreperous,
Defiant to the end, as they are shackled into cells,
Once high and mighty clowns of cinema, now pus
And putrescence is their lot, life less glamorous,
No longer golden boys, no longer than a pin
At the end of a donkey’s tail, a piƱata’s  leak
Of favours and coercion, what was sleek
And seductive on an island, in a glass
Of haze-inducing drink. So the seraphim
And principalities who  look through lenses
Of a suicide watch, bloody now with menses.
A life cut short in circumcision, like a bris
Entangled in an outraged victim’s kiss.


They ride and howl the whole night dribbling like wolves
In ancient forests, they raid the villages
And kidnap children in the fields: the grooves
Along the ceiling guide their path on stages.
Then shadows creep from wall to wall and wails
Linger in the limelight when velvet curtains fall,
With one who steals her final bow, and tails
Alone disclose their presence, like a scrawl
Across the pages, some naughty children’s prank.
On little unicycles they suddenly emerge,
Bearded ladies and three-legged men, plank
And shovel when they chant the purple dirge.
Until fairy maidens swoop and swallow dust
As clowns with ugly shoes cavort in lust.


Wear no garments during meticulation and sex,
build no sewers in the bet ha-midrash grounds,
always spit before you utter holy words,
and vomit after meals in private. Ex-
crement in perfect beings sets the puzzle
our teachers had to deal with. Converse
with angels as you would with wolves, muzzle
to muzzle, and seek the mazel of the universe.
If their eyes are round, they can wear tfillin sewn
of silk, if not, of wool or cotton, not both;
if tails are showing, rush to the privy. Let no stone
fall and splatter on your shoes, for He is wroth
and rumbles on the mountains, like the wind
that snakes inside your entrails where you sinned.

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