
Tuesday 10 December 2019

A Couple of Poems for early December

Kaleidoscope of the Mind

This curious box of conceivable curiosities,
All flowers and dolls, laces and colourful pebbles,
Enclosed in glass, set against ancient tapestries,
So sacred, yet profane and other impossibles,
Forever mystifies wind, odour and breath,
Surrounded by unsightly eyes that see beyond death;
From whence the motivation, to whom the gift,
And whose the understanding outside of dreams?
Like crystal vessels on a stilly sea, without drift
Or shore, attached to horizons and invisible streams,
Sewn in silk, embroidered out of hopes
Dangling from the witless welkin’s unconscious mind
And patient longings, tied to ageless ropes,
Wherein we affix our hearts, methinks to find
The way to sleep in gardens of desire
Away from murderous visions of Hell’s alluring fire.


          White Island, 9 December 2019

We always watched it on the horizon from the beach at Ohope,
A little plume of smoke, a small bump on the horizon,
And sometimes there were stories of a fertilizer plant,
Nothing but a shell these days, and a few tracks
Where tourists walked: otherwise nothing to see
Except the lava white rocks, the dusty footprints
At the stone wharf, as desolate a place as one could
Imagine. But visitors from far away are gullible
And the commercial boats would land them for an hour
For the thrill; and to leave their footprints in the dust
And go away with memories to embellish,
As though they were defying death itself that lay
Beneath their feet and occasionally rumbled threats:
No one believed it would ever blow except in dreams.

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