
Sunday 5 January 2020

Three Sonnets in Times of Crisis

Pogroms on the Streets of New York

Knives held by knaves in the night of hatred, blood
Making any travel through life treacherous, the candle burned
At either end, the Sword of Damocles
Already descended like a forceful guillotine
To separate the head, the body, the life between
And the one beyond: the desperate cry, the pleas
For understanding, the voice already turned
To strangled breath, the slip through fæcal mud:
The body already turned to wind and rain,
The spirit fled into the darkness once again,
And the rabbi will not rebel or denounce the dust
Scattered over scriptures burning, letters the crust
Of garbled explanations in the brain of those
Who excuse the crimes, in the ones who have not chose’
To fight or flee, but only grovel and pretend to trust,
The faithless faith, the unreasonable logic of pain.


New Fears: A Sonnet for 2020

Murder by machete, rescue by narwhal tusk,
Trucks used as weapons, shooters in a church,
Thus the modern world runs amok,
And feeble mankind falters into smoke-filled dusk:
The new year revolves, the decade slithers into the lurch.
Who tosses anarchist bombs at emperors any more,
Who fires shots into a prince’s coach and lurks
To be apprehended and reap the glory, roar
Of crowds in the yard of execution, shock
Of revolution heard around the world; yet smirks
The comfortable bourgeoisie against the spore
Of discontent and poverty, the keys that lock
Old hatreds in their purple prose, whilst we
In our despair confront the meaning of modernity?

Sea Breezes in Marble

There are palpitations in the sea and in marble,
Undulations and intersections, where we breathe
The sound of letters and observe the endless marvel
Of nature’s imagery encased in stone, sword in sheathe,
The word, the rhythm and the angels’ chant beneath
Our feet, as though the seabed were a score of music;
And yet the cry of silent helplessness is grief
And ecstasy starts forth in sparks, where risk
Becomes a basal undertow, and faint
Absurdities create vague symphonic
Dreams, formulaic, grotesque and quaint,
Until the vortex bursts, echoes click
In darkened caverns, where primal painters paint
And place their ochre prints: we date the wick
But not the inspiration—so clever we just ain’t!


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