
Friday 5 June 2020

Allegorical Mysteries

Open the door and two things happen;
On a sunny day, the clouds darken and the rain falls;
When it is wet and wild, the leaves dry out and blow into the house,
And scatter into every room, with clanging and banging.

Pick up a glass or a dish,
No matter how large,
Its sides become unctuous
And crash to the floor,
Tiny splinters disappear into unknown crannies.
Pills bounce completely out of sight,
The more rare and expensive
The less likely ever to be found.

Newspaper pages refuse to be unfolded
Without first plunging deep into a bowl of soup
Then coating all garments with pea-green sludge.
There are never pencils to be found
For crossword  puzzles
Or to take important messages from the phone,
Except those lacking points or erasers.

These are the implicit principles of modernity,
The fixed laws of domestic economy
And cosmic harmonies long silenced;
The reason why the dinosaurs became extinct
And the only explanation for the massive
Proportion of DNA code unreadable in the brain.


What the Bees and the Bats Allow

Bees of all species, murderous and needful, soon
Will be missing from the world of pollen, low petal-stools
Where faerie maidens danced beneath the moon,
No longer filling honey through the tools
Of their proboscis; so that colours too will fade,
Like scents, from our gardens. The bat allows
The darkness once more to reign, and all things made
in caves by unseeing creatures; only swallows
chasing insects as the dawn appears, like arias
by divas rapidly declining, weighted and unsighted
by unshaped melodies they screech, the carriers
of memory no longer recognized, blighted
mysteries of nature and her seasons’ stench,
Parasites laid out where human corpses fill the bench.

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