
Sunday 2 August 2020

Three Horrible Poems

Riot, Pogrom and Razzia
You stare at me and what you see is horrible,
A thing shrivelled and covered with black layers of pain,
Ageless and not really alive, you are not even sure
I am animal or vegetable, maybe a stone shaped by time;
But when I look at you, my eyes are those of an infant,
Perhaps a foetus not fully born, something hidden
Before the first breath of humanity.
I was placed here out of fear, from the very beginning,
Told to be silent, not to wriggle, and to wait
Until we come for you. Then the second time,
They pushed my shadow aside, and said sh-sh, my love.
Outside the loud noises, the shuddering when the door
Was kicked, then the smack of a whip, the thud
Of bodies dragged down  the steps. Each season I crept
Further into myself, swallowed my fears and my hunger,
Adding layer on layer of apprehension, cold
In winter, hot in summer, year after year.
Now finally someone slides the panel, shines
A light into my face, but I cannot blink
Or move a finger, none of the many names
I once had animates my memory.
I am too afraid to recognize a voice that does not shout.

Weariness and Satiety

Long ago when life was less wearisome
My dreams always disappeared with a healthy
Awakening, all I could remember was I dreamed
And the day spread out with tasks and chores, as on
A menu, leaving many choices, some
Accepted, others disregarded, with stealthy
Options suddenly arising, as when sunshine beamed
Athwart the cloudy barrier to the unseen horizon.
My old-fashioned sentences and archaic hopes
Looped me through the months and years until
One illness and another tangled the trajectory,
And I came tumbling down the ragged slopes
Of time, injured and coldly humiliated.
There is nothing now to look forward to, yet still
After a dreadful sleepless night, I  begin to see
The plum tree laden with sparrows—for hours they’ve waited
For breakfast on the grass—now all are sated.


Are we to believe in succubae and sex
with lizards, demon foetuses and sips
of Lysol to be safe and happy, from mex-
ican rapists and vile viruses, whips
and  lashes from our guardians? No checks
and balances in the halls of power, no lips
to speak the truth. No little grey cells or flecks
of rationality, but only pips
of uncontrolled narcissism? Lex-
icons of incoherent badinage, like rips
in the holy veil across the altar of truth, or pecks
by hysterical parrots screeching news as fake,
or talons on the surface of a dark malignant lake.

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