
Friday 4 September 2020

Two Political S onnets

The Failed Revolution
We gathered in pyjamas to watch the crowds march by
in hundreds and in thousands, fists raised in defiance,
red banners unfurled, voices chanting, like the cry
of injured centuries, in the trance
of revolutions,  France and Russia. Then the shots
down the streets and boulevards, and the fall
of wounded comrades, the blood that blots
out reason and compassion, and the tall
guardians of king and kaiser raise their swords
and threaten us, the witnesses to history
awoken from our passive slumber, herds
of mindless creatures, stirred to action, we
succumb to panic and intimidation, again
reduced to beasts by the imitation of real men.

The Cruellest Month of All

That month has passed us by again, the one
We always dread. Not April with its winds
But August, the season when my family dies,
Stretched out in the hot and desiccating sun.
Diseases seem most rampant then, and slips
Of the scalpel, or heart attacks, and once
The man who slipped a noose around his neck
Because he would not stand the loneliness.
September brings us hope of an Indian Summer,
Even as October begins her sad decline.
And all rest, towards final rest, the wreck
Of structures in our inmost being. The line
Grows flatter, and we in time hear the muffled drummer.
Thus we hope to relax to meet the one
Who tries to frighten us, so what we cannot bless
We confront without anxiety or stress.

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