
Friday 30 October 2020

Three Poems for the end of October 2020


The Birth of Aphrodite


Splashdown from beyond the visible universe

In a foam-flecked uprising of matter, she crashed into the sea,

Oddly-shaped residue of rebellion up above

Where Cronus was circumcised by Saturn’s curse,

And she stood there dazed, Venus Aphrodite,

Mother of mothers, conception and pitiless love.

Shell-shocked for ages on oceans for forgetfulness

She swirled from island to island, rejected by men

Without thoughts or languages, then pulled by the moon

On tides of agony, she grasped for something to bless,

Some being or illusion, never knowing when

Or where, always too far away, always too soon.

Now she hides in the shadows of her own desire,

Alone among minnows and maidens, ever on fire,

Still meshed into memories or myths of infinite ruin.



The Origins of Myth

The water thundered down upon the rocks,

Heavy, loud and frightening, yet we climbed

Along the slippery surfaces to find what shocks

Us still ten thousand years after, that rhymed

Deep rhythms and reverberations; and still unlocked

The memories before the words were found, unblocked

The images we could only feel as rumble, growl

And roar; the terrible dread of birth, dismemberment,

Our limbs twisted, our heads crushed, our organs

Unable to function in the darkness, our breaths spent

In useless gasps, and then the horrible release,

Descent and vertigo, and still choking, cease

All efforts, except the unknown instinctive dance.














Square slabs of marble on a distant hillside

Are all that remain of family, dates of birth

And death, dates that reveal how brief the slide

From one through to the other, without mirth

Or mystery, just a slight and decorous decline

On the grassy hill. The names vary, change

With the passing of ideas and customs, a line

Between the centuries and continents, angel

Drawn in miniature, hexagon and tablet,

As do the alphabets that enable it

To meet exigencies, and then the challenge

From beneath the seemingly quiet and unyielding earth.



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