
Tuesday 30 March 2021

Published Essays and Reviews in 2020


1.      Review of Martin Jacobs, Reorientating the East: Jewish Travelers to the Medieval Muslim World in Journal of Religious History 20 (2020)

2.      Review of D.I. Shayovitz. A Remembrance of His Wonders: Nature and the Supernatural ibn Medieval Ashkenaz in Journal of Religious History 20 (2020).

3.      Review of Bruce Henderson, The Ritchie Boys: The Jews who Escaped the Nazis and Returned to Fight Hitler in Shadow of the Shoah (6 February 2020) online at https//www.

4.      with Thomas Klikauer, review of Paul S. Adler, The 99% Economy: How Democratic Socialism Can Overcome the Crises of Capitalism in Marx and Philosophy online at https:/    socialism_can_overcome_the_crises_of_capitalism

5.      with Thomas Klikauer, “The Economics of Democratic Socialism” Counterpunch (3 March 2020) online  at https://www/counterpunch/org/2020/03/03/the-economics-of-democratic-socialism

6.       “The Dancing Goblin” review of  Helga Schneider, The Bonfire of Berlin: A Lost Childhood in Wartime Germany on  Retrievals, Preservations and Speculations (20/03/2020) and East European Jewish History  (11 March 2020)

7.      with Thomas Klikauer, review essay, Sam Friedman and Daniel Laurison, The Class Ceiling: Why It Pays To Be Privileged in Marx & Philosophy Review of Books (11 March 2020).

8.      with Thomas Klikauer: “Austria’s Cover-Up of Former Nazis: Review of the Film Murer—Anatomie eines Prozesses” in Tikkun (13 March 2020)

9.      with Thomas Klikauer, review of Bill McKibben, Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play itself Out in Marx & Philosophy: Review of Books (20 March 2020

10.    with Thomas Klikauer, “Corona in Germany: Hording and Authoritarianism” Counter Punch  (26 March 2020 and reprinted in Tikkun as “Antisemitic Covid-19 Conspiracies in Germany” 25 May 2020) online at

11.    with Thomas Klikauer, “There’s Class Warfare and the Rich are Winning” Countercurrents (4 April 2020) online ay https://counjtercurrentsd/2020/04/04/theres-class-warfare-and-the-rich-are winning

12.   with Thomas Klikauer. Review of Kieran Setiya. Midlife: A Philosophical Guide in Philosophy in Review (May 2020)

13.   Holocaust Book Reviews: “A Theatre of Cruelty and Horror” a review essay in five parts of Heather Dunne Macadam. The Nine Hundred: The Extraordinary Young Women of the First Official Transport to Auschwitz.  London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2020. Retrievals, Preservations and Speculations

14.   with Thomas Klikauer, “Neo-Nazis and Ant-Semitism in Germany” CounterPunch (25  June 2020) online at

15.   with Thomas Klikauer, “The End of the American Newspaper” CounterPunch (6 July 2020) online at

16.   “Tide and Time: Midrashic Commentaries on the Phantasmagoria that is History” Literature & Aesthetics (2020)

17.   Review of Sebastian Haffner. Defying Hitler: A Memoir on EEJH  (19 July 2020) and Retrievals, Preservations and Speculations (20 July 2020).

18.   With Thomas Klikauer, “The Revival of Hating Jews as the Fantasy of ‘Judeo-Bolshevism’ is Spreading” Tikkun (24 August 2020)

19.   Holocaust Book Review Essay “Dita Kraus and Horror” Holocaust Review Essay: Antonio Iturbe, The Librarian of Auschwitz, trans. Lilit Żekulin Thwaites. New York: Godwin Books/Henry Holt & Co., 2017.   iii +  424 pp.  Original Spanish, La bibliotecaria de Auschwitz, (Planeta, 2012) and Dita Kraus. A Delayed Life. London: Penguin/Random House, 2020. 474 pp. Literature & Aesthetics 30:2 (December 2020)  Retrievals, Preservations and Speculations (10 September 2020) and EEJH (11 September 2020)

20.   With Thomas Klikauer, “Is German Society Becoming Fascist?” CounterPunch (11 September 2020)

21.   Holocaust Book Review Essay of Sharon Cameron, The Light in Hidden Places in Retrievals, Preservations and Speculations (28 September 2020); EEJH (29 September 2020), The Real Cosmos (29 September 2020).

22.   Holocaust Book Review Essay of Ariana Neumann, When Time Stopped in Retrievals, Preservations and Speculations (14 October 2020). Reprinted as “When Time Stopped: A Story of Holocaust Historical Detection” on Arutz Sheva: Israel National News (15 November 2020)  online at News/ News.aspx/29171

23.   Three Poems in “Psychohistorical Perspectives: Poetry” The Journal of Psychophistory 48:2 (2020) 167-168.

24.   With Thomas Klikauer, “The Science of Race and the Racism of Science” Counterpunch (23 October 2020); repr. In  Janata Weekly (9 November 2020).

25.   With Thomas Klikauer. “Despair, Death and Dying Workers in America” NET (25 October 2020); online at

26.   With Thomas Klikauer. “Bullshit Towers” Brave New Europe (26 October 2020) online at

27.   Review Essay of Zev Garber and Kenneth L. Hanson, eds., Judaism and Jesus. Monograph Series, Mentalities/Mentalités 33:1 (2019) in Mentalities/Mentalités 24:1 (2020)

28.   Review Essay of Ghil'ad Zuckermann. Revivalistics: From the Genesis of Israeli to Language Reclamation in Australia and Beyond (New York: Oxford University Press, 2020) in Mentalities/Mentalités 34:1 (2020).

29.   Holocaust Book Review Essay of David G. Marwell. Mengele: Unmasking the “Angel of Death”. (New York: W.W. Norton, 2020). Retrievals, Preservations and Speculations (15 November 2020)

30.   Holocaust Book Review of Eddy de Wind. Last Stop Auschwitz: My Story of Survival from within the Camp in Retrievals, Preservations and Speculations (25 November 2020).

31.   Review of Jeffrey Rosen. Conversations with RBG: Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Life, Love, Liberty and Law in Retrievals, Preservations and Speculations (6 December 2020).

32.   “Re-arranging Things at the Table for an Isolated and Peculiar Jewish Community at the Bottom of the World,” Chapter 22 in Kenneth Hanson, ed., Passover Haggadah (2020)

33.   Review of Jonathan Sacks, Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times in Retrievals, Preservations and Speculations  (25 December 2020)  and on EEJH (31 December 2020). And in  Arutz Sheva: Israel National News

34.    with Thomas  . The German New Right: AfD, Pegida and the Re-imagining of National Identity, German Politics & Society, 38:4 (2020) 97-103.

35.   with Thomas Klikauer, “What Germany Teaches Us – American Slavery and German Nazis” Review of Susan Neiman, Learning from the Germans - Race and the Memory of Evil  in  German Politics and Society, 38: 4 (2020): 106-115

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