
Tuesday 24 May 2016

Overheard Poems

Dialogue in the Garden

Watcha doin?
Watchin’ a worm.
It’s really long and fat.
Is there only one?
Only one.
Is it interestin’?
Not very.
So why you watchin’ it?
It’s big and juicy.
Like a fishin’ worm?
Dunno.  Maybe.
I don’t like worms.
Who cares?
I don’t like you.
Who cares?
Wanna go fishin’?
Wanna punch in the shnoz?
I’m gonna tell.
Go on.  Who cares?
Ain’t fair.
Is your worm still there?
Slithered away.
Me too.
Slithered away?
Not really.
Who cares?
Not me.
Me neither.

Conversation in the Kitchen

Has it stopped raining yet?
Why not?
Not lookin’.
I’m goin’ anyway.
Don’t fall in a puddle.
Stay here have something.
Don’t wanna.
Made a bikkie for you.
What kind?
Chocolate chippy.
Na, have it later.
Make some hot chockie for you.
With marsh mallows?
Yea, sure.
Tell me something?
You like me?
How much?
Give me my bikkie.
After you tell me.
Don’ wanna.
I don’ like you then.
So what?
So nothin’, that ‘s what.
Not fair.

So what?

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