
Wednesday 25 May 2016

More Experimental Verses

Wishes and Dreams

Know what?
I’m gunna go to a cirrycus.
What’s that?
A show with abnimals.
Dogs and cats?
Maybe, but mostly epherlinks and monikers.
What’s the big deal?
Nothin’ much, but they knows how to dance and sing.
Ahh, you don’t know nothin’.
But they tell me and I know.
Abnimals can’t sing and dance.
Sure can.
Even epherlinks and monikers?
That’s what they say.

So what else they got there in a cirrycus?
They got clouds and arkybats and music tooters.
You sure?
Sure am.
What do they do, them clouds?
They put on funny faces and make people larf.
And what about the arkybats? I never heard of them.
They be boys and girls in fancy bathin’ suits that go up on swings.
What’s a big deal about that?
Them swings is way up in the sky and the arkybats do a dance.
Well, what about the music tooters?
I ain’t so sure, but I think they make noise out of horns, and bash some drums, and some of those horns are mighty big.
How big is big?
Bigger than a really fat man.

Who is taking you to such a cirrycus thing?
My grandpa.
You are one lucky pig.
Sure am.
Wish I had a grandpa like that.
I promise you, when I get back, I tell you all about it, and then you can make a dream for yourself.
Maybe you bring me something real so I can make my dream better.
Don’t know about that.

The Funrail

Who are all those people at your house?

My unkies and anties, cuzzies and old friends of my mambo and pa.

Why are they all dressed in black?

They come for the funrail.

What’s a funrail?

When they dig a hole in the ground for somebody.

Dig a hole for somebody?

Yeah, that somebody gotta be dead first though.

What kind of body is going to be dead?
My grandpa that lived with us.

He gonna be in a hole?

Yeah, now he be a dead body, so what else we we gonna do with him?

I ain’t never heard of anythin’ like that.  How he get dead?

He gets a cold and a cough and a lot of sicknesses and then he stops being alive.

What kind of a thing is that? I ain’t never gonna get me something like that.

It is something that happens when you get old.

Well, then, I don’t plan to get old, not ever.

That’s what they tell me.

What they tell you?

Not to get some sicknesses like that, with coughs and spewing out his guts.

But why are all those people wearing black clothes?

That’s for the funrail.

Do they put him the hole in your front yard?

No, what a thing.  They take him to the grabble yard and they put him a hole there. 

Then what?

Some old geezer comes along with a book and he sings some words and then everybody throws dirt down the hole until it gets all full up.

What a thing?

That’s so my grandpa don’t creeping out in the middle of the night like a goat.

What are you saying, like a goat?

You know, old dead people running around with just a nightshirt on and shouting Hoo Hoo all night long.

I sure don’t want to meet a goat like that.

Me neither.  But I will sure miss my grandpa.

Maybe if he becomes a goat you can be nice to him and he won’t say Hoo Hoo to you.


What a thing.

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