
Thursday 26 May 2016

Philosophical Dialogue

Epistemology vs Phenomenology

You know what?

No, what?

You didn’t finish your story.

What’ya mean?  I told you everything about it.



Then how come I don’t know where you went the other day when you went away.

I didn’t go nowhere.

Did so.

Did not.

How do you know I wasn’t here.

Cause I didn’t see you, that’s how.

You don’t have to see me for me to still be here.

Do so.

Do not.

I don’t always see you but I know you are here.

How do you know that?

Cause I know.

Do not.

Do  so.

I can go anywhere and still be here.

Me too.

Can not.

I know what I know when I see it.

I don’t have to see what I know because I know it anyway.

Can not.

Can too.

I don’t know everything I see but I see what I know.

Not me.
What do you mean?

I mean I know what I know and then I see what I know.

Do not.

Do so.

How do you know?

Just do.

Can’t just do.

Can so do.

Just not so.

Why not?

Because I know.

No, you don’t.

Yes, I do.




See what?

See what I mean?

You’re mean.

So what?

So what what?


See how mean you are?

How so?

Just so.



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