
Friday 1 December 2017

Already Too Soon

The Bitterness that Bites the Sky

What brings out the bitterness that bites into the sky
So that when I roll over, stare furtively through the grass,
There are shards flung about, holes near the planets, high
Over my head a shadow, not some stray dog with his ass
On my nose, or an unquiet infant, but the empty dark
Matter everyone talks of now-a-days:
Things unknown grasp me from down below,
The biomass at the ocean’s floor, more life
Than anywhere else on earth, or the ebb and flow
Of the fungal web that binds all plants, strife
And coexistence tempered, and the slow
Bemusement of swarming starlings, the heavens rife
With their mesmeric antics between cloud and tree,
Inhabiting ditches and shivering sands, like grief
Expounded, expanded and expended for a simple fee.

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