
Tuesday 5 December 2017

Stay Tuned for an 
Important Announcement

We wondered what  « by proxy » meant when the big
deep voice came on of J. Edgar Hoover to enlist
our aid in fighting crime, racketeers
and enemies of the state, and then Bulldog
Drummond and sirens and shots in the dark, our ears
deep under the blankets, with only a thin orange light
of the tube shining through: Only the Shadow knows,
said Lamont Cranston, sending shivers of delight
up and down our spines, and those cackles and chuckles
that blended through the darkness with Andy, Amos
and the Kingfish himself, until we forgot Sergent
Prescott of the Northwest Mounted Police, yahoo!
through the forests of an unknown northern land
and then Silver and Champion to the south, a posse of
hombres, outlaws and vigilantes clashed and then
as each fifteen minute segment closed with Ovaltine
or Carter’s Little Liver Pills, the Green
Hornet or some other crime-buster rescued
our imagination from itself, and it
was time to click the dial to off and sleep
in another realm of dreams, as only eleven-
year-old children can, unaware this
was the end of infancy, the final show,
tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow,
would begin another era, after radio.

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