
Thursday 6 September 2018

Publications so far in 2018

  1. “Fish and Birds in Aesthetic Play: The Puffer Fish, Manakan Birds and Palm Cockatoos: Nature’s Aesthetic Animals” New English Review (January 2018). custpage.cfm?frm=189120&sec_id=189120#_ftnref15
  2. Review of Nancy Harteveldt Kobrin, The Last Two Jews of Mogadishu Living under Al- Qaeda’s Fire (Mamaroneck, NY: MultiEducator Press, Inc. 2018) in Family Security Matters (12 January 2018) online at; reprinted in East European Jewish History (14 January 2018) online at eejh@yahoogroups .com.
  3. “Twisted Threads of Reading: A Tradition of Implication, Inference and Indirection” New English Review (February 2018) =189149
  4. “Young Adult Books from Canada by Anne Dublin” New English Review (March 2018)
  5. “Fatal Contraptions, Misconceptions and the Painful Pangs of Parturition”  Journal of Literature & Aesthetics 28 (2018) 13-66.
  6. “Research in a Far Away Time and Place” New English Review (April 2-18)
  7. “Phyllis Chesler’s Fearless New Book Explores a Deadly New Trend in the West” review of Phyllis Chesler, A Family Conspiracy: Honor Killing in Front Page Magazine (26 April 2018) online at
  8. “Rose and Salomon Reinach and that Certain Special Something.” An essay in four parts.   Pt. 1 New English Review (May 2018); Pt. 2 NER (June 2018); Pt. 3 NER (July 2018) and Pt. 4 NER (August 2018).
  9. “Phantasmagoria, Folklife and Beyond" in Nationalism , Peasantry and Social Change in India, Festschrift to Prof. K.K.N. Kurup, Volume II (Delhi: B.R. Publishing, 2018) pp. 383-416.
  10. “Creating Ritual Memories in Tribal Dance, Folkplay and Travel Writing” Arnava  17:1 (2018) 160-170.
  11. Marcel Schwob and the Subconscious World Below the Surface of the Sea" New English Review (October 2018) 

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