
Friday 19 October 2018

Four Sad Poems on the Verge of Olbivion

Old Memories of Forgotten Pain
In the clutter of a box, with crumpled papers, old photographs,
there is an obituary torn from the local news
more than forty years ago.  What laughs
we had, I quickly recall: words refuse
to come on other things, and images resist,
so that memory stumbles on the fatal rock
of this youthful poet, student, friend, missed
without recollection, feelings under lock,
until mere chance brought back the name and date,
the sense of guilt that I neglected promises
to put his verses into print and ease the weight
of obligations on his children. One misses
opportunities when circumstances dissolve,
and when his daughters move elsewhere to find love.

Birth and Death
Not all of them are overseas, like salmon
Who must return at the end of their lives to spawn
After smelling sweet waters, bounding the surf, and on
Over three quarters of a continent, and the dawn
Of their survival is their demise, exhausted ones.
I realize there are a few here, too, always, like bear
And wolf who wish to preserve the seeds they bare,
Another season turns, and sleeps away the year,
This was not known before or recognized in the fear
That overwhelms me in my journey as I come near
The end of my existence and my exile
And as the night draws down in shadows, I reconcile
My dreams to that reality, though no smile
Gives satisfaction or hope, only the bile
Is gone and the rage damped to nothing…

If Only
So much could have been different if only some little thing
Had been noticed more than half a century ago,
Some flickering of light, some noisome creature’s sting
Caught the attention of one who plodded row
On row in the darkness of habit and insensitivity.
The wheel would not have skidded on the ice
And the heavy weight of attention over that declivity
Could never have lost its centre of balance twice
As we spun off the road and then under the snow.
The sun glinted and then turned black. The spring
Of destiny slowly uncoiled… why, who can ever know
How mountains, clouds and attention learn to sing
Or what silences the cries of the abandoned soul
Until the waking driver crawled out of the hole.

Frustrated Poetry
Such things as love or inspiration, what should
I think of them? Art as the result of pain
And endless frustration? My life’s not good
Enough, the guilt of too many years blocks the drain.
If I attempt to write sonnets and stories, blood
Is not spilt, and hesitant opinions can never explain
Anything to anyone in deep trouble—they would
Probably exacerbate the confusion: so
Don’t cite neurotic versifiers’ dreams or quote
Cynical scribblers’ prison notes. Below
The gasping, grasping surface of the moat,
Crocodiles at rest will always float.
That’s all, all I ever can or wish to know,
All else ephemeral, dust, cinders, snow.

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