
Sunday 15 March 2020

Four Further Poems in March

An Aura of Gracefulness

Upend the cornucopia, my dearest Flora,
Now that we all are confined for weeks on end,
Here in Italy and other peninsula
Or on islands of sequestration, the blend
Of fresh vegetation and preserved
Exotic fruits are more than we deserve;
Yet still shower us with mercies, an aura
Of gracefulness in a world of grief, the curved
Magnanimity of your breasts, the great restorer
Of our optimism, embrace our souls, and serve
To warm the iciness of dying blood that flows
Forever from the melting glaciers of the north,
And we absorb your blessing—free to sally forth
Again, as living beings do when they awaken
From the endless winter and the drought-worn bracken
Of our brains, they seek to hongi nose to nose.

A Winter Evening By My Window

There was always sadness in her eyes,
The woman who walked her dog at night through slush,
In dreams I could not understand. Snow flies
Against the window in my room, all lush
With books my father bought for me. The pages
Turn themselves, and then the words grow still
Inside my mind, whose meanings still outrage
All sense, as in a dream, where the snow ever will
Fall to silence inquiries outside. She never speaks
As she passes in the street with her dog, and never
Watches where she goes, though I hold on for weeks,
Then months and years, wondering why the weather
Stays the same, a blizzard under yellow lights,
A dog who trudges through the slush, a darkness
Yet to be untold, a woman’s voice, a wind that bites
Through the window, the unread books of sadness.

A Calm Delusion in the Eye of a Storm

You cure, you go, you disappear, and I
Will perish, too, if not this year, then soon
Enough. The winds that blow into the eye
Of the coronal storm, the calm delusion—moon
Floating on a perfect ocean, sky
Debilitated like a child’s disease,
More frightened than in pain: they swoon
Who fear the punctuated hum, the squeeze
So gentle on the heart that will not ease, the hymn
That lingers on the slow horizon, the seas
That heave against lost harmonies, a rune
Without decipherment or borealis,
A prayer unuttered in a blood-soaked tallis:
You lie unmourned until the end of time,
Heaven’s eternal eye too blurred by shame.

The Shower of Toxic Waters

We stood there, all of us, swaying on the precipice,
Looking into eternity, not like some vast saturnine
Ring or clunky whirligig, for this
Was something infinitely darker.  Ice
Crystals in the endless cavern, no nine
Man’s Morris danced out of mind, no slice
Of history’s overcooked apple pies,
Not even patchwork organisms in their prime.
We stood and swayed, made dizzier by the hour,
All waiting to die but afraid to make the leap
Of lemmings, for we have been unschooled and cower
In the ignorance of our modernity, so sleep-
Walked towards the great abyss, where the shower
Of toxic waters waits for us. We keep
Our peace but never harvest what we reap.

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