
Sunday 22 March 2020

Three Poems for Alert Level 3

The Dream Unnoticed

The flanneur would walk the streets observing and
Unobserved, a spectator who was unseen,
A silent presence in conversations, on scene
Yet never noticed, so that when writing on the sand,
The tide washed everything away, except
His messages, his voice inside the shell
We later placed against our ear—the spell
It cast through pulsing blood—the sound that leapt
Into our dreams to tell us who we were
At the very moment that we thought our secret thought
Was quite exempt from scrutiny, the scar
That forms from such an insult—and we are caught
Inside the curly passageway between
The ear and brain where silences are seen
Projected on imagination’s screen.

Like Arrogant Little Elves

The black birds have started to scratch and peck away
the grass, no longer satisfied with bread
shredded on the lawn, and sliced apples now
and then, while sparrows fuss and flutter, day
by day more desperate as the long dry spell goes on;
they carry fragments larger than themselves,
like arrogant little elves. The leaves are dead
and fall too soon for the season. We have no snow
to hide the devastation. Huge roots heave
under the concrete path, showing themselves
like behemoths of the deep we dread will slay
our apprehension and embrace of life
or cosmic order: the steel-grey sky is rife
with invisible depradations spawned the day
we first forgot we were formed of clay.

Go Back To Athens Where You Belong

At the centre of the labyrinth by clue
And wit we found and slew the Minotaur
But coming out was not so pleasant, few
Expected such a hostile welcome, a jaw
Was dropped, a brow was raised—but you,
And all the crowd that jeered, my craw
Was blocked, I croaked: you glowered, yellow-red
Those eyes. “Go back where you belong,” you said,
“And take your crew of trouble-makers.” My soul
Contracted and my heart exploded. Dead
I would have been, no hero, martyr, goal-
Accomplished athlete of the fleet—but troll
And gremlin cast adrift to sail alone,
Black sails unfurled, monster turned to stone.

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