
Thursday 23 April 2020

A Trio of Bitter Old Poems

Vengeance At Last
In the time of reckoning, the traitors and the killers
Will have to pay the price. Those who survive
Will have to bring the villains to account,
All of them, the ones who sign the cheques, the spoilers
Of innocent souls, the ditherers, the dunces, the five
And twenty billionaires in their greed, and those who mount
The pile of corpses in their vile stupidity.
There will come a day when all the foolish followers
Of egotistical maniacs will have to clean the morgues
With their own tongues: they cannot babble their insanity
To the courts of natural justice; and all those wallowers
In self-pitying complaints about their losses in the biz and orgs
They used to own and from which they drained the blood
And spirit of the poor, the frail and the helpless good.

Without Time or Pity

Now is not the time for pity or forgiveness, for
Sentimental tears and platitudes;
Forget the Hallmark melodies of pure
And languid love for them to multitudes
Of putrefying corpses in ice palaces,
In muddy ditches or in paupers’ graves.
We cannot run after rabbits of time like Alices
Or ballet our sorrows like Goody Twoshoes who raves
About the charity tossed to her by yellow-haired phalluses
In oval offices, or ovaries of traitoresses
Whose ignorance is myriad in the palaces
Built on skeletons of slaves, and the one who blesses
You for sending your last bit-coin in return for masses
Sung by isolated idiots bolted in darknesses
Of their own devising, the very bots who save
Their honour and their admiration for their bosses,
Who look on them as expendable lumps and drosses.

Porous Scriptures

All our bitterness turns to rage, all our fears collapse
Into the moment we have never known before, the time
When meaning cannot be measured, caught in the apse
Of old conventions and the emptiness of rhyme,
Like autumn leaves, dry as tearless eyes.
We watch the crowds fill up the streets and hide
From reality, and argue over numbers, size
And volume, idiots whose empty pride
Drains away sense and reason. What wonders lapse
Into the void! What miracles are thin as slime
Over porous scriptures—like phoney noisome aps:
And greasy electronic poles we cannot climb!
The ignorant metallic humming of a hoax,
Breathing a syntactactless signal-circle of smokes.

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