
Thursday 16 April 2020

Three More Poems from the Plaguey Bill

The Secret of Polichinelle

As in a comedia dell’arte production, the art
exceeds the comedy, when Polichinelle is heard
in blitherings of some old and fat senior Fart,
and life becomes a tragedy, the herd
applauding nonsense by the circus cart
that pushes donkeys, mules and asses, fleas
and ladybugs upon the stage of history:
abscesses, abbesses and other absurdities,
while we who flee the plague, and they the ague,
argue with Scaramouche, bottle-nosed flies and gnats
dance scatter-brained and all befuddled, like Harlequins
in padded suits, straw-yellow wigs, with sequins,
and purple noses, crimson ears held on by pins:
until at last, alas, we find the funny  hats
helicopters to rise above our sins.

Miasma and Mirrors in Masks

The pandemical masquerade goes on, in spite of all:
The solemn doctors in their protective costumes, plumes
And mirrors made of pasteboard; cutting capers
And sliding against the grain down the hall
Of patients; and outside, the miasma, stinking vapours
And mouldy stench, on the canals, where grooms
And guardians walk in darkness carrying tapers
Creating shadows, silhouettes that fall
Across the moats, the gutters, the sewers—consume
The powder of wigs and the flakes of gold, of rapers
And murderers as they pirouette into the wall,
Like painted corpses in a sickly Masque of Doom,
From Venice to Vienna, from London to Loudon,
The violence of viruses, the silence, the bourdon.

The Maker of Cupules, Ten Thousand Years Ago

I had never made these little cups in the rock before,
Though for a thousand years someone like me has chipped
And chiselled, blow after blow, deeper into the core
Of the earth, narrower and narrower, hand never slipped;
The deeper I cut into the darkness, then more and more
My mind is exposed, my thoughts and dreams are ripped
Out of the nothingness of mindless matter. I bore
Into previous caverns, into cavities of light where dripped
The limestone sculptures and rose into things that roar
Against the endless night, my song unlipped
From chants and riddles, each soundless word a store
Of knowledge, a fount of wisdom—I unlocked the crypt
Of logical propositions, solemn insights, and sure
Against the tides of ignorance…until I slipped
Into my final years and cried out for a cure
That never comes, where someone else will endure.

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