
Monday 6 April 2020

Three Poems in a Time of Plague

In a Time when Clichés Grow Stale and Fall Apart
They are going now, a whole generation of the people so famous
I never heard of them, singers, musicians and other celebrities,
Those long since retired, for sure I thought them already dead,
And some still plugging on and plugging in again:
Unlike the thousands of others who vanish into statistics
These flash on luminescent screens, without lasting fame,
But all the old and fragile victims, unsung and only lamented
Through windowless morgues and tent-cities of the dead.
The homeless still have no homes, the poor, the addicts,
The unemployed, who have no names. Meanwhile
The lowest of the low are suddenly heroes, applauded
By prime ministers and princes, who now depend on them,
The masked brigades of those who spray down streets
And rub away disease in shops, the weary warriors
Of check-out girls and first-responders, nurses
And bedpan emptiers; so that at the end of the crisis,
When our prosaic necessities appear on shelves again,
The great leaders will have passed away to secret lives.


How comforting when nothing rhymes, when metric feet
go lame, all those worries about alliteration go bong
and bang. and assonance slithers in the mud.
No complaints and no claims of innocence
insinuate themselves into our thoughts.
We need no longer tap out rhythms—we dance
ecstatically in dithyrambs of turbulence like lambs
led to the laughter pits of wild Arcadia. Pan
and Io, yippy-ty-ay-ei through the sky...
Hysteria and hallucination, paralysis
of logic—phlech, they have disappeared. O joy!
Our pandemic is Pandemonium,
so nothing’s left to do now but grab a guitar or lute, my boy,
and strum-strum-strum.

Ghost Ships on a Plaguey Sea

Like bloated hospitals or Narrenschiffen, they sail
The seven seas seeking a port o’ call,
Huge vessels of the elderly and rich, the frail
And homeless, stateless wanderers, with silken shawl
And latex mask, reduced to luxury,
Some in stately-rooms, some in stinking holds,
Fed well so long as the biscuits last, the rye
And whisky flow; peanut snacks with rum,
While staring at the empty sky, that bowl
Of heaven’s offal and Davey Jones’s scum,
Rough tars below to keep the engines pumping.
We sight the Flying Dutchmen on every coast.
Ruby Princesses and Carnivals of the Sea,
The ferries and the wherries, that’s the cost
To turn a gallant galley to a plaguey brigantine.
So heave ho! my maties. Here’s the Jolly
Roger to sneeze you into a perpetual quarantine.

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